Seven: Why Me?

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I sit in the cherry wood pews at the church. I probably won't be able to cry after this. I listen to jack finish his eulogy.

 "No matter what she will be with all of us." I lay my head on James shoulder. Jack walks back to the front row to sit with us.

"May we have a word from Marin's special friend, Alison Wells." The priest says. I get up and walk to the podium. I look at the guests sitting in the pews.

"Marin gave me a necklace in first grade. It had a charm on it. It was half a heart. If you put the two halves together you would get a full heart. The heart together said best friends." I said on the verge of tears.


"Can I just go for a walk," I beg my mom,"I brought my car."

"Fine you can. But be back by 7. Okay?"


I roll my eyes and walk out of the church. The wind blows my mini black dress. I jump in the car and start it. I stop at Starbucks and get a mocha. I drive to my local park. I take off my heels and get out of the car. As my I step on the pavement I wince. Black pavement is hot as heck. But the pain feels good. I walk around and soon the pain wears off. I look behind my back. Their is this guy that's following me. Its okay. Its okay. I say to myself. I walk back to the car and yes the guy is still following me. I get in the car and he gets in to.

"Hi, I'm Alexander but you could call me Ander." Ander says. His smile turns to a frown. "Get in the back seat. Now." he growls at me.

"No." he gets out and opens my door. He picks me up, carrying me to the back seat. I scream and thrash but his grip is to tight and put his index finger on my lips. He shoves me in the car and unzips my dress and pulls it off leaving me in my bra and underwear. What he does to me shocks me. He rapes me.


I lay on the back seat naked. I look out the window to see the guy walking away. He whips his head around and stairs at the car with a smirk and returns to walking. I wonder who he'll rape next. I get dressed. The position I'm in is uncomfortable. I waddle to the front seat. As I drive on the highway I'm shocked why nothing else has happened to anyone else. Marin's death. Me getting raped. Not knowing what to do I drive my car into the ditch. Pain goes up my arm and up my leg. I moan and scream. I look at my arm. Its bent a twisted way and my leg is crushed between metal. I see a white light but then it's covered with blackness.

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