Eight: He Was Found

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I wake up to a blinding white light. I soon hear James voice.
"What the heck were you thinking!" I look up and see James, Jack, Mom, and Dad.
"Sweetie we were so worried." my mom says.
"What happened?" Jack says.
"I um." I try to lie but I can't.
"Can I talk to James in private." I murmur quietly.
"Sure, you can." my dad says. They all leave the room.
"What happened? I knew Marin's death would hurt you a lot but not this much. What happened. Be honest did you try to do suicide?"
he says with pure tone in his voice. "Yes I did because I." I couldn't finish the sentence.
"What happened?" he growls. "Igotraped!"
"You got what!" he yells. "Who did it." he says calmly.
"Alexander S-S-Selborn." I stutter. I don't want to recall that day.
"I will let the police know."I start to cry into his shoulder.
"I need to go to sleep, James." I mutter.
"Okay, love." He plants a light kiss on my forehead and leaves the room as I drift of to sleep.


The rest of the week was terrible. All of the nurses asking me questions. The smell of bleach and medicine. That was until I was able to go home. The doctors took me to the waiting room in a wheelchair because they said that I'm not ready to walk. I saw my mom's face light up right when she saw me. "Oh sweetie! I've missed you! and James told me about it." she said grimly.
"Lets go home, you never know what's waiting." she said winking. I just laughed at her. Last time I came home from the hospital mom and dad got me a ticket to the premier of Death Kiss (the sixth book in the vector vampire series) so I expect big things from them. I pull up the street and see a navy blue Chevy Cruse. Who's here? Did James get a new car? We pull in the garage and I jump out of the car. "Who's car is this?" I ask my dad who's leaning on the car.
"Yours." he says calmly. They didn't. "So, that's my car?"
"Yes" he says. "No way! This is mine!" I yell. James and Jack walk out of the house.
"You like it? I picked it out. We all pitched in." Jack says.
"Let's go inside, the one hour season premier of Madam Murder is on. Your lucky I recorded it." James said. We go inside and start Madam Murder.
"They found him yesterday. Did you now?" James says.
"Find who?"
"Alexander" I shutter. Already five minutes in we all scream our heads off.

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