Author's Note

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Hai guys!!!!!! I hope you will not mad at me, but I will be taking a break on Where Did Everyone Go?. I know, I know, don't hate me. But it is for a good cause.

I will be writing a new short story!!!!! It is called 'Springbreak, USA.' Here is the good part. Ever 500 reads, I will update this story. Please don't hate me. The reason I am doing this is because the story takes place in Spring/Summer. Here is the description:

"Now get out of school, It's spring break!" the voice from the speaker announce's.

It's spring break and Cassie doesn't know what to do. Everyone treats spring break like Christmas or Easter, so they go cool places like New York or California. But Cassie doesn't ever go anywhere. She is stuck in the small town, until her parents friends from Texas, invite them to go to Florda with them. The one thing exciting thing, other than the beach and Disneyworld, is the parent's cute (or extreamly hot) son named Miles.

After the trip, she returns back to school. Everyone has stories about what they did during spring break and finally, so does Cassie. Then Miles moves to her town and goes to her school.

So there you have it. The description. The story will be about 25-30 chapters long. So please go read it!!!!!! Again, sorry! Have a good Easter and spring break. ;)........ BAI!!! ILYSM

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