Eighteen: Dirty Little Cheater

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A month later I found myself forgiving James. Today was the day I went to visit James at his apartment back at home. I drive on the highway, listening to our playlist. I swear the guy driving next to me could hear me singing.
I park the car in the parking lot and walk into the lobby. I take the elevator to the top floor because James wanted to be 'on top of the world.'
When I get to his room, I don't bother knocking cause he is my boyfriend. I yell, "James?" but there is no answer. I walk to his bedroom and open the door quietly.
The image kills me.
James is laying on the bed with Martha laying on him, kissing her. I mean, it could've been a cute nice girl but it had to be Martha. James arms snake around Martha's waist and he grabs her butt. A gasp escapes her mouth. I suck in a breath. They stop and she says, "Do you like the fancy bra I wore for you?"
That son of a gun.
"Yea I love i-" he stops and turns his head to look at me. I can feel the hot, salty tears poring down my face.
"Ally, I can explain," he says.
"Hey you idiot." She smirks and gets off of him to walk towards me.
"Stay away from him, he is mine," she growls. I feel a rush of heat and I tackle her. I pull her hair and a muffled scream comes out of her bossy mouth. I pick her head up by her hair and slam it into the ground repeatedly. I can see out of the corner of my eye, James jumping off the bed and running to us. He picks me up by the waist as I kick and scream.
"Stop, stop," he says, trying to calm me.
"Screw you James," I say. I watch Martha get up and walks out the door. "We will talk later," she says. I can see her eyes watering. This is the first time she has lost a battle.
"Were you two like, a thing when we started dating, even when we went to Olive Garden?" I say. He keeps quiet.
My mouth drops to the floor.
"Oh my god. You didn't even say that you two were dating. I am done, James. I. Am. Done."
"Can we-" he pauses. "Can we still be friends?" I open the door. I turn my head to take a glance at James. I have one word to describe him. Heartbroken.
"Maybe," I close the door and take the elevator down. Luckily there is no one in the elevator because I feel like I am about to burst into tears. I drive home with my mascara running down my face, burning my eyes. Of course about half way home, I'm Not The Only One by Sam Smith comes on

When I go right past Frankie's room to my room and his door opens when mine closes.
"Hey, are you okay?" he questions in a soft voice. I try not to look at him as I say okay. I open the door and I instantly go on my laptop. I need to let loose. I need to dance.
So of course I search nightclubs in canton. Only a couple come up and I pick Bethany's. I go to the restroom and I look at myself in the mirror. I look like an English schoolgirl who just got dumped. After a few minutes of makeovers I get another look at myself in the mirror. I look sexy but not enough.
So I cut my hair.
I snip the bottoms and soon get higher to the point I have a pixie cut. I laugh to the woman in the mirror. She looks nothing like me. I put on a little black dress that stops at about half way at my thighs. I put on huge black heels.
I am afraid that I might fall while walking in them. I go out and walk past Frankie's door again. I hear the door click open, but I don't stop to talk. I use the elevator down and a guy walks in.
"Wanna come with me tonight?" he says. I ignore him and I feel his hand on the back of my thigh. I feel a rush of heat. I turn around and slap him.
"Don't ever touch me again," I say. The elevator door opens and I walk out of the elevator like a bad bad girl. I get to the parking lot and open the car door. I hop in and drive to the nightclub.

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