Twenty-four: Murder

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{A/N: It's back!!!!!}

The game of 'Truth or Dare' had quickly escalated. Martha dared me to do the 'Seven Minutes in Heaven' with Frankie. The only thing we did was kiss. Nothing special. I checked the time on my phone. '10:43,' it read. Brian had to be in bed right now.

"Dare," James says. He loves this game. No wonder he chose dare.

"I dare you to let me spike your drink and you have drink the whole thing," Mia said. I head whipped right up. This will not end well.

"Okay, fine. I don't care. It's just a little something." She got up and walked to James. He handed her his drink and she took it. When she got to her truck, Martha said, "I don't like her."

I just rolled my eyes. Once she came back, she handed James his drink. Right when she handed him his drink, Mia and Nick gathered their thing and left. I thought that was weird. That was when he drank it. After he finished it, he started to cough. It wasn't a 'it went down the wrong pipe' cough. It was a 'help, I can't breathe' cough.

I bolted up and ran around the fire to James.

"Call 9-1-1 now!" I said. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Frankie pull his phone out and call 911. Then there was Martha, who was right next to James, holding his hand. Jack was getting my mom. I sat down next to him and began to cry. I was so mean to him. I was rude and selfish. Now he might be dead. I then heard the wailing sirens. The ambulance pulled in and opened the back doors. They got James and put him on a stretcher.

They put him in, closed the doors and drove away. I looked over at my mom, who somehow got out without me knowing.

"Well, do you guys want to get going?" my mom asked all of us. I was to shocked to respond. Everyone somehow got into the car. I sat next to Frankie and Jack while Martha sat shotgun. I laid my head on Frankie's shoulder. I just cried. I didn't want James to die. I really didn't want to. I was also ticked off at Mia. How could she do this? How? First, Marin died, now James might die.

I wiped my face clear of tears and to a look at my mom. She was on the phone. Probably on the phone with his parents. I remember that he was always there for me. Even when he didn't want to be. So many people had tried to split us up, but nobody has achieved, until now. Now we might never get to see each other again.

We entered the hospital parking lot and once the car stopped, the doors opened. I held Frankie's hand as all of us entered the hospital. I saw that James parents were there, but the sight wasn't good. They were embracing each other, crying. I silently prayed to God. Let him hold on, I said in my head. Then the doctor came out.

"I have news, but it isn't good," he said. All of our heads bolted up.

"Okay, what's the news?" Martha said rudely.

"James," he said, pausing in the middle, "won't make it."

It felt like the world froze. I lifted my hands to my mouth and started to cry. Everyone was a sobbing mess. I leaned into Frankie and grabbed onto his shirt. I slid down his body, colliding against the floor. I laid down curling up in a ball. I closed my eyes and grabbed strands of hair, not caring about the pain that erupted on my head.  I couldn't breathe. Why? Why him? I didn't even get to say goodbye to him. And I was so mean to him. I couldn't breathe.

"Come on, let's get you home," Frankie said. He picked me up bridal style and carried me out. I couldn't sleep that night. Or maybe I didn't sleep because when we got home, it was past 4 o'clock. I tossed and turned, hoping to get some sleep. But sleep didn't come.

When I got up that morning, I took a glance at my bookshelf. The Vector Vampire books were all in order. I remembered when James ran his fingers along them. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget him.


The funeral for James was terrible. Everyone was a crying mess. After it was over, Martha came over to me.

"Hey, um," she said. "I'm sorry about what I said to you. Ever. I thought we should put our differences behind because we both knew and loved James very much. So, um, ya." I could not believe this. Martha, apologizing.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm sorry too." I honestly can't believe what happened next because she gave me a hug. She pulled away with tears running down her face.

"I miss him," she said.

"I do too." We went our different ways and I moved my dirty-blonde hair out of my face. I wore a knee-length, midnight black, lace dress. I turned around and my dad was standing right behind me. I stopped and turned right around.

"Al, sweetie," he began.

"Dad, don't. I, definitely, do not want to talk to you," I said spinning around to face him. "You left mom and, most of all, me. You, also, ruined Brian. He hates mom too." He stood in front of me with white flowers in hand. He was wearing a suit and tie.

"Your mom and I are getting back together," he said.

"What?" I said with disbelief. "Like, love-wise?"

"Yes. Oh, and, these are for you." He handed me the flowers, which, I took. I gave him a hug and smelled the flowers. Soon my mom came over. My dad kissed her on the cheek and they walked away together. Someone came wrapped their arms around me and I turned around to meet the Frankie's emerald green eyes. He kissed my forehead and I rested my head on his chest. I heard his heartbeat. It was a steady beat. Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

I couldn't help but compare it to James' fragile and weak heart. It was shattered one to many times. Once I dumped him, he fell apart. It was my fault. I was the one who invited Mia and Nick. I was the one who took things out of my control.

"Did you hear me, Ally?" I heard Jack say. I lifted my head and directed my attention to Jack.

"What?" I said.

"It was all of my fault. I was the one who invited James to the bonfire."

"No, Jack it was my fault. I invited Mia and Nick. I took things out of control," I said with regret.

"It was not anyone's fault!" Frankie yelled. "It was Mia's." We looked over at his coffin, which was place outside. I was sure that we all thought it was our fault. We all walked over to his mahogany coffin and I set my hand on it. The wood was smooth and polished.

I turned my head to look at the picture of James. It was from when he was graduating high school. He had a blue robe on. He had promised that we would do some thing spectacular together. I remembered that we all jumped up together. I remembered his promise to me the night he first kissed me. He said that we would die together.


A/N: It's back!!!! Yes, yes, I know. I killed him. I killed James. Don't hurt me. Also, the next chapter is the epilogue. I can't wait to finish this story. Then I can continue "Springbreak, USA.'

Tomorrow is the last day of school for me!!!! I am so excited. If I get all A's, I get $30, which I will probably spend on books. I will say that I regret killing Marin. Btw, do you guys like the new cover I made????

I am tired of writing and I'm at school so-see ya later!!!!! Have a good summer. BAI!!!!!

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