Chapter 1

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Hey guys, so this is my second book on wattpad, I am very excited about this one and how the other one that I finished was doing. I must warn you, I have terrible grammar so if you see something that doesn't make sense just ask me and I will edit that part. I have already written a good bit of this book on paper and my good friend, peanutbutterjelly, is editing it, however she lost the edited version of this chapter so yeah I'm winging it and changing any mistakes I catch. First off, I have recommendations for my friends' books:
Laran by kingloganias

angels by jenniferyoung9003888

A Broken Marionette by peanutbutterjelly

Life Upside Down by musicismylifeandgoal

In Love With the Bad Boy by me(my 1st book)

So I hope you guys will check those books out, because they are fantastic! This is chapter 1 and I will try to remember to edit it(GOD help me). Hope you guys like it! Love you guys! JESUS SAVES SO PRAY AND PRAISE!!!
A vision flashed before my eyes and I thought I was dreaming. Suddenly, a face appeared close to mine, too close for my liking. I tried to back away, but my feet were glued to the floor. Literally. I looked back at the face and realized it was him.

Panic ran through my veins as I tried to scream, but he placed him hand over my mouth. I shook and squirmed, fighting as much as much as I could, but it was no use.

"Shh," he said, replacing his hand with his pointer finger. A shiver ran up my spine, just at the sound of his voice and I had no clue what to do. I know I wanted to scream, but it was as if my body was frozen. "You don't want to wake the neighbors do you?" His creepy little voice almost made my heart stop, for I knew what would happen next.

He smiled a demon's grin and shoved me to the floor. I fell and chains came up from the floor and chained me down. His fist connected to my jaw and then my gut and I couldn't feel anymore. There was a stinging pain all over my body and I couldn't move. He picked up a knife and slid the side of it down my cheek. The cold metal sent fear rushing through me.

"Where is GOD now?" his voice sounded triumphant, but I paid no attention.

"Right beside me," I answered,"He is always right beside me. No matter what you do to me, it will never change how I love Him and pray to Him and to follow and believe in Him. So no matter what you do, I will never stop praying for you."

A tear rolled down my cheek and I blacked out as I saw the knife come down on me.

My eyes popped open and I nearly screamed from the nightmare. Although, it wasn't a nightmare. It was a memory. I was sweating and my entire body was trembling.

I sat up from my stone bed and looked at the steel bars that would keep me in here for a long time. I looked across the small room and saw my friend an cell mate, Lin. 'It was just a dream. It was just a dream' I thought to myself, but still knew worse.

I looked to a guard about 4 feet away from our cell and looked deep into his thoughts. 'So Prince Lucas is visiting the prison? Still a bad idea for a 20th birthday present.' "20th birthday, huh?" I said out loud.

"Who's turning 20?" Lin appeared in front of me and I jumped back, hitting my head on the wall in the process.

"Ow! Lin!"

"Sorry," she apologized.

"It's okay."

"You had another nightmare again, didn't you?"

I released a sigh,"Yeah." Lin reached over and gave me a hug. Lin and Jaune knew about my past, but we tried not to talk about it. They knew how I felt when that subject came around.

"It's okay, GOD'S will is at work." I smiled slightly.
1 hour later
"So, any latest news?" Lin asked.

"Yeah. This morning, I used my-" I stopped for a minute, Lin and Jaune knew about my abilities but we could discuss them oit of fear that the government would kill me,"my inside sources to determine that, apparently Prince Lucas is visiting the prison today."

"Isn't that King Cole and Queen Ellie Gouldburg's son?"

"I guess. It's his 20th birthday so he's visiting as a present."

"What kind of present is that?"

"I don't know. Royalty I guess."

"Oh, wait Lucas is two years older right?"

"No, we're 18 and he is 20 today so he is 1000 years older," I said sarcastically.

She ignored me,"Want to know why I'm asking?"

"Why?" I asked warily.

"Because, he is hot!"

"You've never even seen him!"

"Yeah, I have! He was at the parade 10 years ago!"

"We were 8."


I was about to say something, but two guards came up and unlocked our cell.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We are letting you guys out for breakfast."

I read his mind and Lin looked at me, asking me if it was safe. I shrugged and walked out the door, Lin following behind me.

"He was lying," I whispered after we were out if earshot and blended in with the other prisoners.

"Well when you-ya know-did you find out why we're going?"

"No, I didn't have time."
Outside in the center of the prison, there were guards at the walls to keep watch, as well as some from above on balconies. Lin and I walked into the crowd and I began reading minds until I could find Jaune's. When I did, I turned around and saw Jaune ready to scare me.

"Dang it! I was so close! One of these days I am going to scare you!"

"Good luck with that one." Lin said.

Lin had short blonde hair at her shoulders with a braid on the right side. She was maybe 5'3 and had tan skin, thin jawline, and brown eyes. Jaune was much taller, about 6'4 and had shaggy green hair, a wide jawline, and purple eyes. I was 5'7, kind of tall for a girl, with red hair(literally red), a strong jawline not as wide as Jaune's, and piercing green eyes. My hair was long and it came to my elbow, then I had bangs on the left side of my head that didn't quite cover my eye.

A guard came up to me and grabbed both of my arms. He pulled them behind my back while dragging me over to a man. He was the same height and had the same jawline as Jaune, but had white hair and royal blue eyes.

"Let me go!" I protested as the guard kicked my knees, causing me to fall, and pulled my head up to look at the man.

"Let her go," he said and I was quite surprised. The guard reluctantly let go of me, so I stood up and dusted myself off. I crossed my arms and glared at the man. I didn't care why he wanted to talk to me and there was no way that I was going to talk back, anyhow. "Sorry for the intrusion," he started,"but I need to speak to you."

"You can talk to me," I scoffed,"but there is no way that I'm going to talk to you."

He looked to his guards and they walked away. He loosened up and said,"My name is Lucas. You're Saya, right?" I was taken aback but still said nothing. He let out a deep breath,"Okay, you can be like that," then he started dragging me into the building.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Let me go!" I protested all the way there. Gosh! He was strong! Some how, I got out if his grip and made a run for it. I was almost out of the hallway he'd brought me in, but suddenly, I couldn't move. I was frozen in my running position. A minute passed and I could move again, but I fell down. I gasped from breath and couldn't believe what had just happened. What had just happened? Then it hit me.

I turned around, still breathless, and saw Lucas standing there. "I was going to tell you if you hadn't of ran."

"Tell me what?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"I'm a Radioactive Child, same as you."

With the ShadowsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ