Chapter 3

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Hi, guys! So this is chapter 3 and the original version of it is unedited as well, but when I finish typing it I promise I will edit it. Although, I am human and make mistakes, so if you could let me know what I did wrong I'd be okay with that so I can learn from my mistakes. Also, I spelled peaunutbutterjelly's name wrong so that is how you spell her name and I hope she's happy😉. Anyways, here is the next chapter an I hope you guys like it! Love you guys! JESUS SAVES SO PRAY AND PRAISE AND SPREAD HIS WORD LIKE WILDFIRE!!!
After the whole talk with Lucas, he took me back outside where I was bombarded with questions from Lin and Jaune. I promised them I would answer the questions later, but didn't want to talk about it right now.

"Why not?! We're your best friends, we deserve to know!" Lin yelled at me. Some heads turned in our direction, but I just ignored then and the fact the Lucas was still behind me.

Jaune was just standing behind Lin, glaring at the wall. I knew he would be angry. He can't stand to not know where I am, not ever since he found out about my uncle.

I'm in prison because my Uncle Osbourne, who abused me, was murdered when I was 11 and , since I was the only person who lived there, the blame was set on me. Lin and Jaune were imprisoned trying to break me out and we've been here ever since. I never knew who killed my uncle.

Jaune could be carefree, but he had a different side to him. It wasn't dark, but it wasn't good either. It's like he turns dark when something happens to someone he cares about kindof side.

Lin was the crazy fanatic out of the three of us. She had people she cared about, and would do anything to protect them, but she had a different way of coping with sadness than Jaune did.

"Can't we just talk about it later?" I asked pleadingly.

"Fine, but you will explain eventually." Lin doesn't like being kept out of the loop. It's not like she's nosy, she just doesn't like friends keeping secrets and if her friends are hurting she wants to be able to help.

I assured her I would explain and just then the guards started leading prisoners back to their cells. Lin and I said goodbye to Jaune and headed back in along with other prisoners.

When we arrived there, the guard locked us in and Lin began rambling on about how worried she and Jaune were, but I wasn't listening. I was too busy thinking about Lucas. Of course I know what a Radioactive Child is, but what did he mean "same as me"? I always knew about my powers but I always thought I was alone.

Lin's words became blur and my eyes began to droop as I laid down on the bed. It was stone, but to me it felt soft and comfortable. My vision became darker and darker and eventually I fell asleep.

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