Chapter 2

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Hey there! So, I'm super sorry for not updating in a while, things at school have been busy with exams coming up and everything. But, this is my new update and I'm warning you that I most likely won't update again until after exams because the pressure is on. The only exams I have to take are science and math and I have no exemptions so that's great(note sarcasm). So wish me luck and I also wish you luck, this is chapter 2 and I hope you guys like it! Oh, and by the way this isn't edited, so I'm super sorry for any mistakes I make! I ask that, if you find a mistake then I am perfectly fine with you asking me to correct it in the comment section. JESUS SAVES SO PRAY AND PRAISE!!!!
"I'm a Radioactive Child, same as you." What does he mean, Radioactive Child? I wondered. He stared at me and I automatically felt drawn to him. I can't put it into words, it's like there's a rope tied to both of us and he's pulling me closer. I took a small step closer before my brain told me to and next thing I knew I was in front of him. He smirked and said,"You know what I mean," and leaned closer. I didn't know what was going on, it was all happening so fast and I closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I saw it and punched him in the gut. I don't care who he is, he can't just play with my emotions like that. He groaned and used the wall to support himself. When he was better, he looked up at me and was smirking.

"So, you already know both of my gifts. Why not show me yours?"

I folded my arms and glared at him. That's what he wanted. He knew I would figure it out so he used one of his gifts to play with my emotions. I kept my mouth in a thin line as he stood straight up and said,"Why won't you talk? You can trust me. You already know I can freeze time and read emotions, as well as change them. So why not open up?"

I scoffed. "Give me one good reason I can trust you."

"I'm like you and I've already told you everything about me."

"Not everything," I paused and searched his mind,"for example, you didn't tell me that you don't want the throne. Never did want it. All you want is to live a normal life as a normal kid. You're cocky and arrogant and you know it. That why you don't want to be the heir, you know you would make an unwise leader for the kingdom. You won't tell your parents, though, because you don't want to make them upset. Worse, you don't want to be a disappointment."

When I was done, I didn't even get to blink before he had my hand twisted behind my back. I yelled out in pain as he began talking in an unstable tone. "Listen to me, everything you said was true but you missed something. I'm proud of what I am, just not who I am. I've never had a normal life. At school, I had guards at all times. No friends, an no one I could relate to. Now, I've found you and you're like me. I'm sorry I'm being harsh but you're trying my patience."

I immidiately felt horrible. All he wants is someone to talk to. I relaxed and he sensed it, so he let me go. I turned around to face him. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I didn't see."

He gave a small smile and replied,"It's fine. Now, I know all of your gifts."

I folded my arms again,"Really? Name them, enlighten me."

He began counting on his fingers,"Well, you can see parts of the future when your mind thinks you would need it. You can read minds as well and that's it."

I smirked and shook my head,"That's not all."

"Care to share what the next one is then?" he had a hint of begging in his voice.

I walked away and Lucas began chasing after me. I ran and looked back to see him gaining on me so I dove into the shadows and disappeared. He seemed shocked for a second before laughing. I came out and gave a smug look. He walked over to me and reached out his hand. "Friends?" I shook his hand,"Why not?"

"Praise Jesus! I thought you were going to slap me," he said as he pointed his index finger(happy, peanutbutterjelly) at me. I laughed and he did as well before looked at me weirdly. "What?" I asked. He brought his hand close to where my bangs were. I shyed away by instinct and slapped his hand away.

"What's that scar from?" he asked and I said nothing as I looked down.


He let it go but he was still thinking about it in his mind. "Come on, we should go." I just nodded and followed him back out, keeping my head down the entire way.

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