Chapter 6

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Hey lovely readers! This is chapter 6 and I hope you guys will love it! Also, I would like to thank the two fans who have been commenting recently. I was very happy about that so thanks and please keep it up! This chapter is edited, but as you know, if you have any corrections I missed please tell me! So anyways, I am done talking and I will let you read now. Love you all! JESUS SAVES!
The world around me just stopped as I saw my old enemy's face. He's the reason I was locked up. Even though the guards couldn't investigate, Advisor Engrano told them I did it. That made my sentence about 20 years longer.

My blood boiled as I remembered what he did to me and he just smiled that wicked smile when he saw me. I gave him a dark glare.

I snapped out of it when my name was called,"Saya?"

I looked up to where I heard the voice,"Yes?" The voice happened to be Queen Ellie.

"We need to speak to you," she looked to her advisor and the other nobles with him,"alone."

"Your Majesty, as your advisor, I advise that you let me stay for assistance."

"Then as your queen I advise that you leave as are my orders." She's on edge.

"Yes, Your Majesty," he didn't seem happy about it, but he left with the others while giving me a look that reeked the words 'I hate you'.

I turned to the king and queen. "Saya," King Cole started,"we have a favor to ask of you."

"Of course," I simply stated.

"We are aware that you were good friends with our son, Lucas. Is that correct?"

"Yes sir."

"We are also aware of your skills in battle. We need those skills now."

"I'm not sure I understand," I stated, confused.

"We have to ask you to rescue Lucas. We don't know where he is, but we are sure you have a way of finding out."

"I do."

"Will you help us and rescue him?"

"Yes, of course." I said and he instructed for the guard, still beside me, to take me to the armory and weapons room.

I followed the guard and he took me to a room filled with steel plate armor, helmets, shields, everything I could need. Only problem was I prefer light armor over heavy. I asked the guard where the light armor was and he pointed towards the far right of the room. I thanked him then walked over to where he pointed.

I chose a basic light weight, black mail armor and light weight armored pants, black gloves, and black boots. To complete the look, I grabbed a black hood, and black mask.

I walked up to the guard and he then took me to the weapons room where I chose a steel longbow, steel arrows, two katanas, and two steel daggers. I kept one of the daggers on my belt and the other hidden in my boot for emergencies.

I would set out early tomorrow morning to talk to some old friends and see if they knew anything. Some aren't so trustworthy but thank God for my abilities so I can tell if they're lying.

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