Chapter 16

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Hey there! 2-0-0 READS!!!!! I'm so happy you guys! Thanks for your support! It means a lot! Again, so sorry for the wait for this chapter. I am trying to decide on a day that would be like a deadline so you guys would know exactly when to expect an update, but I can't find a good day because I don't really have a schedule. I will get back to you guys on that, though. Thanks for everything! Love you guys! Hope ya like this chapter! JESUS SAVES SO OBEY AND LOVE HIM!
Three days have passed since Lucas and I arrived back at the castle. Lucas is back on his feet, and I'm not as sore from the trip. What ticked me off was that the king and queen insisted on having day-and-night guards surrounding Lucas and I, at least 3. I told them I could handle myself, but they wouldn't take no for an answer.

I feel bad for Lucas, though. He can basically do nothing. He can't go outside, he can't eat or drink something without someone making sure it isn't poisoned, the curtains for his windows are always closed, and he isn't allowed to see anyone without that person being searched.

I walked up to Lucas' office door and raised my hands for the guards to search me. When he was finished, he stood up and nodded to me, signaling I could go in. I opened the door and stepped in to see Lucas sitting at his desk with his hands run through his hair and his face down.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly when I made it to his desk.

He jolted his head up and chuckled when he looked at me. "No. These guards constantly around me, it's frustrating."

"I know how that feels."

"So did you tell-" I stopped and looked at the guards beside Lucas. There was no way we could discuss what I needed to with Lucas if they were right there.

"Tell who what?" Lucas asked.

I bit my lip, then said,"I'm thinking."

'Did you tell your parents that those mercs know that you're a Radioactive Child?' I thought.

Lucas must've gotten the hint and responded,"No, they're in too must stress right now so I don't want to add to that."

I nodded. 'Those men could still use that information against you and your parents. You may not be locked up, but they could still harm your family's reputation.'

"Let me worry about that."

"Are you kidding me?! No way! You're my friend! I'm not going to let you handle this by yourself!"

The guards that were beside Lucas began to look confused and we were raising suspicion.

'We have to talk about this. Meet me in the castle garden tonight. Try to get away from the guards.' I thought and Lucas nodded, showing that he got the message. After that, I walked out of his office and into the hallway with my guards following me.
It was about midnight, now and the sky was darker than ever, making the stars shine brighter. With the moon glowing eerily, I snuck out of my window quietly trying to avoid the guards hearing me.

My foot touched the cool shingle on the castle roof and a slight wind wipped at my face, causing a chill to run up my spine. I placed my other foot down on the roof, closed the window slowly, and took off towards the garden.

The garden was located on the balcony at west wing of the castle. My room was on the south wing on the second floor, so I wouldn't hard to travel that far. I wasn't sure how Lucas was going to get rid of his guards, but I hope he wouldn't get caught or in trouble.

My feet landed on the soft grass of the garden and I stopped to look around for Lucas. I walked around the garden and spotted a guard and I froze. Just as he was about to look in my direction, someone grabbed me by the arm and placed their hand over my mouth.

I squirmed and screamed, but my voice was muffled by his hand. I looked to see Lucas holding me, with his finger over his mouth to signal me to be quiet. I nodded, showing I understood and he let me go.

"Follow me," he said so quietly that it was almost inaudible. I nodded again and did as he told me.
We snuck around the garden, trying to avoid being spotted and made our way to a secluded area.

Lucas turned to face me,"I'm not going to let you get involved in this."

"Look, there is no way you are going to stop me from helping. I was there too. I'm already on the front line."

"If you're already involved ten I'm getting you out of it. I'm not going to let you get hurt."

I crossed my arms and looked him in the eyes and searched his thoughts. "Lucas, I know you're worried about me because I'm your first friend. not only that, but a friend you can actually connect with. I want you to know that I can handle myself. You don't have to worry, either. Just pray to God about it and he'll help you. But I promise I'll be okay."

He looked all around the place, took in a deep breath, then looked me square in the eyes. "Okay. I promise I'll back off, but you have to promise me something. If you're in any kindof danger, anything at all, promise that you'll come and tell me."

I smiled,"I promise."


"So um, about that information that the mercs have. What are we going to do about it?"

"I don't know that yet. Meet back here tomorrow night and I'll have a plan by then."


Lucas walked away, leaving me alone in the garden, thinking. I turned around, but ran into something hard. I looked up to see Griffin, the Night Riders leader, standing in front of me.

I jumped back and went into a defensive stance. Griffin chuckled and then looked bak at me like he was amused. He was wearing the same armor as last time, except he had a black eye and a cut on his forehead. Probably what I did when Licas and I were escaping.

"It's funny how you think you could beat me." he said with dark was shrouding his words.

I put my arms down and stood up regularly. "You don't think I can? Then why do you have that black eye and cut?"

His smile dropped to a frown and I smirked triumphantly. He charged towards me and grabbed me by the throat, throwing me up against the wall in the process.

"Listen you," he growled,"I still have contract with a certain client and I'm here to fulfill it."

He let go of me and I fell to my knees, coughing and gasping for air.

"So," he started and stepped on my hand. I screamed out in pain and wondered how no guards heard this. "The contract only says that he wants you alive. Not Lucas, he was just a way to get you there. The problem is, you escaped. Now, I know you would fight back all the way there and could just find your way back out, so I am going to offer you a deal."

"Go on."

"We will keep the information about Lucas if you stay and behave like a good girl."

I hesitated to answer, but both of us knew what I would say. "You promise you keep Lucas and my friends put of this?"

"I promise. And I never break my promises."

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