Chapter 13

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Heyyyy!!! Chapter 13 is here! Super sorry for the longer than usual wait, I've had a lot going on so again, sorry. I have not edited this chapter so again, I'm sorry for any mistakes. Nothing else! I hope you guys like this chapter! Love you guys! JESUS SAVES AND LOVES YOU!!!
I silently opened the door to the closet and peaked through. No one. I walked out into the room and looked for any weapons that could come in handy. I heard a noise behind me but didn't turn around.

I kept looking around when suddenly, I turned around only to be blacked out by the same fist that knocked me out before I got here. I turned around and caught the fist and realized that my gift of seeing the future had helped me again. 'Thank God!' I praised.

It was Griffith who had tried to punch me again. "No. You only get one punch," I said before twisting his arm and swiping his feet and as he is in the motion of falling, I punch him in the face and he hits the floor with a large "crack".

I make sure he's knocked out cold before heading towards the closet and helping Lucas down again. We continue to make our way out, sneaking past guards along the way. We get to a corner when Lucas lets go of my shoulder and replies to my worried look by saying,"I'm fine, I'm fine."

I'm still worried, but look away and down the hall. 'One, two, five, eight guards," I counted in my head. I let out a breath of air,"That's a lot," I whispered.

"What's the plan?" Lucas asked, looking over my shoulder.

I thought for a minute. "We need a distraction. Problem is, I have no idea how to cause one."

"Maybe we don't need one."

I looked at Lucas like he was crazy, but he nodded his head to the hallway of guards and I saw that it was frozen in time. "Oh," was all I said.

Lucas and I walked down the hallway and made it through the door. I had to tell Lucas something, but I couldn't say it out loud and he can't use two powers at the same time, so I decided to wait until we were out of here. We passed through many hallways and I looked at Lucas to find him leaning against the wall, sweating.

"You okay?" He pushed himself off the wall and nodded before walking in front of me. After hesitating, I followed and eventually, we found the door that led outside and walked through.

We walked around until we found the exit to the gate. Just as we did, Lucas collapsed. I rushed over to him, and he was panting. "I can't hold the freeze in time much longer," his voice was shaking as he spoke.

"Hey, it's okay! We're almost out. Just stay with me. Can you do that for me?" fear covered my voice. He stared at me and I grabbed hold of his hand to comfort him.

His eyes began slowly closing, but I could tell he was fighting it. I heard a noise behind me, and I turned around to see the place coming back to life. Moving again. We only had a little bit of time left before the guards would come and take us back, so I had to act quick.

"Come on," I said and hoisted Lucas back onto my shoulders. Lucas was heavy, but nothing was going to stop me from getting him out of here. I trudged over to the exit and opened the gate. When it was fully open, it revealed the landscape from te top of the mountain. It was so breathtaking, yet weird. Up close, it would look like a wasteland, but from a distance it looked so beautiful.

I broke away from my thoughts and continued to carry Lucas away from the camp and the guards were almost able to move at full speed and I hurried to get far away from them.

After a while, I was no where near the camp, but making my way down the mountain.

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