Chapter 15

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Nothing to say. Hope ya like this chapter! Love you guys! JESUS SAVES SO PRAISE!!!
The warmth of the sun burned my eyelids and I stirred, trying to stay asleep. I rotated the other way, but the sun was coming up from that angle, too. I eventually gave up trying to go back to sleep and slowly opened my eyes. The light immidiately hit me and I flinched.

I tried to get up, but my body felt as stiff and heavy as a rock. My arms and shoulders hurt, mainly my right shoulder, my legs were like water, and my head was the worst. I pursed my lips and could tell how dry they were.

As I looked around the room I was in, I instantly realized that this wasn't my room. I tried to get up, but I wasn't strong enough. I guess I pushed myself to hard when I was trying to get Lucas back home yesterday.

The nightstand beside the bed came into my vision and I noticed the cup placed on it. When I raised myself higher on the bed, I saw it was filled with water and instantly thirst hit me hard like a punch.

My fingertips touched the cup and wrapped around it, bringing it to me. When it hit my lips I poured the liquid down my dry throat, which was quickly cleansed. I pulled the cup away to find that I had drank it all and set it down, getting up in the process.

When my feet hit the floor, a strange coldness hit them and I tried to stand up but I was too weak and fell back onto the bed. I tried again to stand up and succeeded. Eventually, I was standing in front of the window and rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out of them.

I opened my eyes again and saw the view of the window. I could see the other end of the wall surrounding the kingdom from here! The prison was to the far right and the market was a few miles away from where I was. It dawned on me where I must've been. I was in the castle, but I couldn't remember how I had gotten here.

There was a knock at the door and someone called my name and I said,"Come in."

The door opened and Jaune came in with Lin behind him. I lit up immidiately and Jaune was about to come over and hug me, but Lin raced in front of him, pushing him down in the process.

"Praise Jesus! You're okay! Are you hurt?! What happened?! We need to have a serious discussion, missy!" Lin yelled while squeezing the life out of me.

"Aag! Lin......I can't.......b-breath!" I attempt to say.

"Oh, sorry Saya," she says and releases me from her death grip. I looked and saw Jaune laying on the floor, still, from when Lin knocked him down.

"Jaune? You alright?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

He looked around, wide-eyed,"What was THAT?!" All of us burst out laughing while Jaune glared at us.

When we finally calmed down I asked them,"How are you guys here?"

"Oh, they let us out." Lin said it like it was a normal thing for them to do.

"What do you mean?"

"Courtesy of King Cole and Queen Ellie, they let us out along with you on behalf of you rescuing their son." Jaune said in a fancy voice.

"Are you serious?!"

"Yeah!" they screamed at the same time.

"I could tell the guards were reluctant," Lin said and we began laughing again.

We heard a knock at the doorway and we turned to see a guard looking straight at me.

"Yes....sir?" I asked, unsure what he wanted.

"Prince Lucas is asking for Saya?"

I walked over to the doorway and before I followed the guard, who was already down the hallway, turned back and gave a relieving look to Lin and Jaune's worried ones.

The guard took me down several hallways and rooms until he brought me to a room with a very tired looking Lucas on the bed in the middle.

"Thank you," I whisper to the guard and he nodded before heading back out and closing the door.

I slowly make my way to Lucas, pull up a chair beside the bed and sit in it. Lucas looked like a wreck. I knew that if he used his power too much it would hurt him, but I had no idea it could harm him this bad.

As I studied him, his eyes slowly began to open and they fixed on me. "Hey," he said, so low it was barely a whisper.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

"In pain."

"Sorry. If I had just done something else to help-"

"This isn't.....your fault."

"No. It is. I should've gotten to you quicker. I should've-"

"Listen. There is no other way we could've both gotten out alive. I....had to. There wasn't anything you could've done."

I was about to say something, but my throat went dry. Seeing him like was heartbreaking. I haven't seen anyone this hurt since my mom.

I didn't realize I was crying until a tear slid down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away before Lucas could see it.

"You okay? Why are you crying?" Lucas asked.

"Why aren't you?" I asked, in a joking way.

He chuckled but still looked at me for an answer.

"I um....the last time I saw someone this hurt was when my mom was dying of cancer." I said in a low whisper. His eyes softened and he grabbed my hand with his in a comforting way. He then gave me a smile,which I returned.

I then remembered what I needed to tell him,"Lucas, you do realize that when you used your gift everyone there saw it. They know what you are and they can use that information to hurt you as well as your parents."

Lucas thought for a minute,"Yeah. I knew what a risk it was, but-" he paused for a minute and gripped my hand tighter,"but getting you out of there was more important than my reputation."

The door opened and we turned to see Lucas' parents, the king and queen. They both looked disheveled and both had shadows around their eyes. I can't imagine what this is putting them through.

"I'll leave you guys alone." I whispered to him and walked out of the room.

With the Shadowsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن