Chapter 7

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To all you awesome readers, this is chapter 7! I'm so happy! Ya know why? Huh? Huh? Because this book has 100 reads! Aaaaah!!! Thanks you guys so much! I'm so thankful to God for this! So, I'm hoping that I remembered to edit this chapter and if I didn't and you guys want to point out my mistakes so I won't make them again, you guys know that you are welcome to. This is chapter 7, hope you like it! Love all you readers! JESUS SAVES!
I woke up with my face planted in a book. My body was stiff from the way I had been sleeping. I looked out the window, and the sun was just breaking through the edge of the kingdom. I inhaled a deep breath and lifted my head out of the book, looking down at it. It was a book on all the known bandit holds outside the kingdom.

I had been doing research all night and must have fallen asleep. My research was doing nothing. I suddenly remembered something. 'Oh no!' I thought and charged out the door. I had a meeting with one of my old friends this morning. She was one of the trustworthy ones, and she was one of the kind of people where nothing happened without her knowing. She's also the head of the nearby thieves guild. Even though I'm not exactly okay with thieves she is really sweet and could help me out right now.

I burst through the doors of the castle and ran off, turning guards' heads along the way. I made it into town and slowed my pace as I was reaching the street. Then, I reached the market and began searching for my friend.

I didn't see her and began to panic a little. What if she thought I ratted her out? I was just about to give up when I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see, not Abia, but one of her associates, Xavier was his name. He was wearing a hood and had brown eyes with dark brown hair.

"You know the routine," he said in a deep whisper.

After he walked off, I lowered my head, but only enough so I could still see him. When he was at the corner of my sight, I followed him. This went on until he stopped at a clothing store. The windows were covered with paper on the outside, but inside there were clothes and shoes. On the far right, sat Bess, behind a counter. Bess was another associate of the Shadow Dwellers but wasn't a thief, just a good friend. We walked up to her and when she saw us, she gave us a small smile.

"Hello Xavier," she then turned to me,"Oh my! Saya! How long has it been?"

I went behind the counter and have her a hug. "Too long!" I replied.

"You here to talk to Abia?"

"Yeah, I have a question."

"You know Abia doesn't like questions, sweetie."

"I know, but this can't wait and it's urgent."

"Okay, your funeral," she waved her hand in a dismissive way as she went beneath the counter and pressed a button. A secret door in the floorboard opened up and revealed a ladder. I thanked her then began climbing down the ladder with Xavier following me down.

I jumped off at the last few bars and looked around, and spotted Abia having a discussion with Kijal,[sorry guys I'm terrible with names] her partner. The Shadow Dwellers is different than other thieves guilds, they steal from the rich and give to the poor. Some thieves will also have partners, but not many because most work better alone.

I walked around the sparring area, and stopped at Abia's desk. She and Kijal looked at me.

"Saya! Wow, girl! Abia told me you guys were meeting but I didn't know today!" Kijal gave me a big hug. Kijal was really nice, I could say, but when someone kills on a job they could go ahead and resign.

"Good to see you, Kijal!" I said.

Abia walked up and gave me a hug as well,"Hey! Look who's back from the barred walls!"

I laughed, but remembered that this wasn't a social call. "Abia, I might want to speak to both of you alone actually." I said in a low voice. Their faces turned serious and they got what I was trying to say.

"Follow us," Kijal said. He and Abia led me to a secluded room then shut the door.

"What is it? The note you sent seemed like you were serious." Abia said and I assumed she meant the note I sent by a pigeon.

"It is. I would give you the long story so you could understand, but I don't have much time."

"Are you in any danger?" Kijal asked.

"No, no nothing like that. A man that I know was kidnapped and I was wondering if you knew any bandits who are renown for kidnapping for ransom." I said carefully. Abia and Kijal are very cautious when it comes to the royals. They kindof have a bounty on their heads.

"Well, I don't know of any bandits but I know if a group of mercenaries that recently arrived here. When did this happen?" Abia asked.


They looked to each other and Kijal spoke up,"The mercenaries arrived yesterday early in the morning. They're called the Night Riders."

"Thank you! Praise Jesus! Do you know where their hold is?"

"Yes, here I'll circle it on this map." Abia got up and took a pen and drew a circle around an area on a map, then handed it to me.


I was about to walk away when Kijal grabbed my wrist. "Saya, I don't know what this is about, but with these men, be extremely cautious. These people are cold-blooded killers, professionals at what they do, and are world known. I'm not telling you to not rescue your friend, but if something seems out of place or like a trap, then come back and we can send backup with you. We will come with you now if we need to."

I looked between both of them and gave a small smile,"I'll be fine, I promise. But this is something I need to do."

With that, Kijal let go if my wrist, but I could tell he was still uneasy. I should listen to what their saying. I can't underestimate this group. They aren't ordinary bandits, they're mercenaries and they only care about money. I take a deep breath as I make it to the exit and start climbing back up the ladder, with the map of my objective in my pocket.

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