Chapter 14

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Hi! I would like to apologize about the wait again, especially for chapter 13. I finished it last night, but our wifi went out so I was unable to publish it. This chapter, I started working on the same night I finished 13 and I am starting another book as well, I'm just not going to publish it until I finish With the Shadows. Alright, that's it! I love you guys and hope you like this this chapter! JESUS SAVES EVERY DAY!!!
My tongue was dry and I felt like I was about to crack in this heat. Before, when I traveled to get to te camp, it wasn't easy but it was a lot harder now because of the extra weight I have to carry. I don't mind though, I've only known Lucas for a few months but he's proven to be a kind, trustworthy friend and I would take an arrow for him.

I trudged on through the wasteland that I had seen earlier from the camp and seen how beautiful and welcoming it was. Now, it was harsh and dry. The heat wasn't helping either, especially since it was midday an the sun seemed to hover over me no matter where I was. The mercenaries had taken all of my weapons so I only had the one knife in my boot, too.

Lucas stirred and I looked at him on my shoulder. His eyes were almost squinting and face was contorted. My own face softened and I carefully placed him on the ground and then collapsed on my hands and knees. I took my hood off then wiped my forehead with my sleeve and laid down on my back, arm over my eyes.
I took one last, deep breath and stood up on my feet, stretched my arms and legs, then began carrying Lucas and traveling again. It was nighttime now and even though I couldn't see that well, the moon lit up my path for me. It was cool at nighttime and wasn't as difficult to move but I was dehydrated now and that wasn't helping anything.

In the distance, I began to see the walls of the kingdom that I called home for so long and my face lit up immidiately as I began to move faster.

When I finally made it, I thought I would collapse of exhaustion and dehydration, even though I had made it. I was trying to figure out a way up the wall, when five guards started heading towards us. One handed me water and the other four began to help carry Lucas. Other guards came and began talking to others. They said something about Lucas, but I was too tired to understand and I leaned up against the wall then began to drink my water.

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