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Heyyyyyy!!!! I am so hyped!!!! ***squeals of joy. Do you know why? Huh? Huh? Huh? It's because the first chapter of With the Shadows(remade) is out!!! Aaaaah!!! I am too hyper for my own good. Haha! Give me a minute or two at the most to calm down
*3 days later*
Okay! I'm back! And I pray I'm calmed down now! So, like o said the latest chapter is out and I am super duper excited about this I hope you guys really enjoy it! Only thing is, I am kind of nervous you won't like it because of how much different it is. So, please when you find it comment me your thoughts on it. Okay! Thanks! Until next update! JESUS SAVES AND LIVES YOUUUUU!!!

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