Chapter 10

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Heyu guys! This is chapter 10 and it is not edited! So I hope you like this chapter! Love you guys! JESUS SAVES SO PRAISE!
My eyes slowly and painfully opened to reveal a cell. 'I can't seem to get out of these no matter what I do.' I state in my head as I slowly tried to get up. My head was pounding with every move I made.

I lifted my head as much as I could to see a beaten Lucas in the cell next to mine. I moved over to him fast as I could and stopped at his crumbled body against the wall. My hand found its way through the bars and to his head. He tensed underneath my touch, but then attempted to move to see me.

"Shh. It's Saya." I said to him.

He didn't move. I couldn't tell whether he couldn't or didn't want to. Those men really did a number on him and now I was locked in here as well. 'Worst rescue mission ever.' I said to myself.
Lucas and I have been in these cells for at least 2 hours by now and I was getting impatient. I was sitting against the wall while Lucas was still a lump on the floor.

I was trying to think if a way out and not succeeding one bit. They took all of my weapons, there isn't anything sharp I can use to cut the bars, and nothing I can use to pick the lock. These mercenaries thought of every way to keep me in here.

I moved my foot and I felt something hard and straight in my boot. Confused, I slid my hand through my boot and came up with a knife. I completely forgot about the knife hidden in my boot! I quickly hid it as a guard passed by. I had a knife, I could at least cut through the bottom part of the bars and then go to the top, if I did that then I may be able to break the bar off and slide through.

I was about to pull the knife out again, but two of Griffith's men came and unlocked the door then dragged me out by the arms. I struggled and fought, but both of them were too strong. They hauled me past different hallways and brought me to a dark room in which Griffith stood in the center of. The men pushed me down in front of him and pulled my head up by the hair to look at him.

"You do know how my employer was here because you heard me say it. You also probably want to know who he is. Well, he had to leave, but he left me a job that includes you,"he stopped and looked at me but I continued to remain silent and glare,"He said for me to, and I quote,'to make sure you never see the light of day again'".

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