Chapter 8

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Konichiwa fellow Christians! How you doing? So, this is chapter 8 and I isn't edit it, so any mistakes I am sorry! I would like to thank the two fans that have been commenting and for the votes as well! So I hope you like this chapter guys! Love you all! JESUS SAVES!!
I was racing around the kingdom, trying to get to the gates at my top speed. I couldn't waste anymore time than I already had, who knew what those monsters were doing to Lucas.

I had to make a shortcut through the center of town, problem was it was overrun with people. I decided to take the rooftops and avoid the traffic.

The harsh wind burned my eyes and face as I ran, jumping from roof to roof. I knew what I was going to face and I knew it would be difficult, I might not even make it out alive, but if it means Lucas and my friends are safe I'm willing to die.
In the desert outside the city, it was quiet an I wouldn't expect anything more. It wasn't even much if a desert, since the war, it was more of a wasteland. The ground was hard and had no life to it. No trees, no animals, even the air seemed dead. True, this is an island but it isn't much because of the war. The early morning sun shone down on me and gave light to the horizon.

I stopped in my tracks and checked my map. I had just left the city, so I should head about a mile west. I took off in a jog, I would have sprinted but didn't want to waste my energy.

As I ran, all sorts of things ran through my mind. 'Is Lucas safe?' was the main question I kept asking myself, wishing for a definitive answer. I did have an answer, but I never said it because if I did I would believe it.

Instead, I tried to think positive. If these are mercenaries then all they care about is money, so they most likely would only kidnap Lucas for ransom, which means they would need him alive. Me thinking this did calm my nerves, but I was still on edge for the rest of the journey.
Here I am, the Night Riders' camp site. I don't know why I'm shocked, I shouldn't of been expecting anything less. The site was on a mountaintop, so it would take a while to get there. When I had it in my sights, it was nightfall. I turned invisible at every dark corner of the mountain I saw and kept up with my telepathy to see if I was getting close to guards.

I never ran into any, though which was strange. I remembered what Kijal said to me,"These people are cold-blooded killers, professionals at what they do, and are world known. I'm not telling you to not rescue your friend, but if anything seems out of place, or like a trap then come back an we can send backup with you."

His words burned through my memory. 'Cold-blooded killers. World known.' Now that I was close to the home of them, I was scared. I prayed real quick and pushed on. I had come so close I could just give up, not now.

I pushed on and came up to where I crouched in front of their wall. Just as I was about to pick the lock on the gate, a siren wailed all around the site.

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