Chapter 16

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No sooner had I gotten dressed in a pair of leggings and a blue blouse, styled my hair, and gathered my shoes and purse did we all head out for our mall trip. I'm one hundred percent sure Sakura was just waiting for an excuse to go shopping. Her very being was perkier than usual as we climbed out of the cab in front of the tall building. She had her arm looped in mine as she skitted with a fast pace towards the entrance.

I glanced back to see Sasuke and Gaara share a look of dread. This all almost felt normal. I smiled to myself as I allowed Sakura to pull me into the store directly past the entrance. We were supposed to be shopping for my date clothes and this was a candle and perfume store, but I didn't argue with her when she started testing out a few perfumes on the little test strips. "Ooooh this one is lovely! Smell it, Hinata! Isn't it nice? Oh, you don't like it? Damn." My nose hairs felt like they were burning after just giving the first two a polite sniff to appease Sakura's excitement.

Sasuke and Gaara followed us around the store like lost yet quiet puppies, obviously not too keen on the whole mall experience. As Sakura was taking a few candles up to the register to purchase, I turned to the two guys and wondered aloud, "Why did you guys agree to come?" It was obvious they would prefer to be almost anywhere else. The two looked at each-other before Gaara sighed and admitted defeat, "She promised to buy us the new Soul Calibur game if we came." I glanced over at Sasuke to see him glaring at a random rack of perfumes, obviously ashamed of his weakness.

A snicker slipped past my lips in disbelief and I quickly put a hand over my mouth to try and stifle it. These two, pretty much grown men, were bribed by the little pink-haired Sakura Haruno. I glanced over to see her thanking the cashier before turning towards us. She was more crafty than I'd given her credit for. I didn't say anything to the boys, but looped my arm into Sakura's as she approached us and smiled wide, "Where to next?"

This is payback for making fun of me in a towel, you two! I glanced back at the boys and saw looks of dread clearly on their faces. We visited every single store on the bottom floor of the mall, which was almost a dozen, before Gaara's stomach roared loudly enough that even Sakura had noticed it. "Let's go eat!" We sat down at an empty table in the food court, Sakura struggling to fit all of her shopping bags in the two empty seats at the six seater. After a moment of fighting, she sighed and just told me to grab her some pizza.

I laughed to myself before heading over to the pizza place a bit away from where we'd sat. As I stood in line, I thought about the date I was preparing for. Where would he be taking me? Was he just doing this as a favor to Karin or was he honestly interested in me? A shiver ran through my bones. What if he's in on whatever game Karin is trying to play?! I shook my head and took a step forward as the line moved up. Naruto would never do something like that.

The memories I had of him were all positive. He was truly one of the kindest people I'd ever met. Someone clearing their throat behind me pulled me out of my thoughts. I glanced back to see Sasuke standing behind me with a serious look on his gorgeous features. I greeted him with a smile, only for it to be wiped clean off when he spoke with a sternness, "Are you an idiot?" Confusion rolled over my features. "You can't honestly believe that this date isn't a set up."

Sakura must've filled them in while I showered. There was the annoyance that usually arose when Sasuke spoke to me. I gave him a glare, "Naruto is a good person." He scoffed and nudged me in the back with his hand. It was my turn to order. I shook my head to myself before giving the cashier mine and Sakura's orders. I felt extremely awkward standing there with a judgmental Sasuke behind me and a cashier clueless as to what the hell the people in front of him's problem was. The boy behind the counter gave me an inquisitive look before glancing at the taller man behind me and back to me. I shook my head and gave him a smile. He seemed like a nice guy. After paying and accepting my tray of food. I headed back to the table stiffly.

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