Chapter 12

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-Hinata's POV-

The air was tense as Sakura, Ino, Tenten, and I waited for the boys to come out of their room so we could leave. We were running fashionably late, as expected.

Sakura was wearing a black, long sleeved dress with the sides cut out that showed off her tan skin and slim figure, accentuated with sparkly silver stilettos. Ino wore a neon pink bandeau top with a cape-like black jacket and skin-tight leather pants with shoes that matched her top.

I was wearing a dress I was quite uncomfortable in. Initially, I'd put on my preferred outfit: a lilac colored flowy dress that ended just above the knee and had short sleeves, but Tenten and Ino wrestled it off of me and forced a wine colored thing on in its place.

It was strapless with a sweetheart neckline, but that was the only decent thing about it. It ended on the top half of my thighs, entirely too short for my taste, and hugged onto my body like a sticker would onto a piece of paper. There was a slew of expensive looking jewels decorating the bust of the dress, bringing unwanted attention to one of my most problemed areas.

When I tried to grab a jacket to wear over it, Ino tore it from my grasp and gave me a stern talking-to about self-confidence. I was forced into strappy black heels, but luckily they were only two inches, unlike Sakura's four inch stilettos. How the pinkette strutted around so skillfully in them was beyond me.

Tenten looked at the time on her phone and huffed loudly, "Neji's going to leave. We need to go!"

As if on cue, the boys came out of their room, arguing about Gaara stealing one of Sasuke's shirts. My face heated up as I was reintroduced to Sasuke's sleek appearance. Gaara was wearing a dark red button up shirt that nearly matched his hair with black pants. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, which was quite an attractive look on him, even I had to admit. The muscles on his arms seemed more prominent.

I caught Sasuke's gaze suddenly and nearly jumped out of my skin. He was looking in our direction with an unfamiliar expression, a small red hint just barely kissing the angles of his handsome face. Either he was shocked or had done a little too much pre-gaming.

Gaara had to pretty much drag him along as the elevator door opened. He walked toward us as if in a daze and I felt nervous. He must've been stunned by how different all of us looked compared to our regular clothes.

"Hinata, let's go," Sakura grabbed my wrist and effectively pulled me out of my trance.

I nodded and bustled into the crowded elevator with the others. The two guys finally got in and we were packed tightly like sardines. Sasuke's back was against my front and I almost willingly drowned in the scent of his cologne. It wasn't overbearingly strong like a lot of teenage boys do it with Axe body spray, but it was a refined smell that didn't give me a headache.

Tenten's phone started ringing and she started cursing loudly as she tried to wrestle it back out of her purse. We all groaned as she threw her arms around to try and make room. Finally, she got the phone out and answered, "This is Tenten!"

I watched as the color drained from her face. She replied after the person speaking was done, "I'm sorry! I'm running a little behind. I promise I'll be there in less than fifteen minutes!"

Obviously it was Neji calling to see if she was standing him up. We were twenty minutes late already, not that he knew the rest of us were coming along.

The club we're going to was humongous and it should be easy to keep it from him that we were there. We just stay on the opposite side of the room with the dance floor separating us. Tenten had drawn us a map of the floor plan there. It looked like a kindergartner had drawn it, but it did the job. Let's just say that her artistic abilities ended when she picked up a pencil. There's a large, rectangular dance floor in the very middle of the club that split the place in two. Each side had its individual bar, seating, and restrooms. So Tenten and Neji can have their date on one side and the rest of us will be on the other side in case Tenten needed help with something.

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