Chapter 59

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-Sasuke's POV-

Maybe four hours later, just after midnight, I was the only one awake in the hospital room. The Akatsuki guys, Ino, Sai, and that Matsuri girl all visited and left after realizing nothing could be done but wait for her to wake up.

Kakashi's been out there dealing with the mess Hidan's created without rest. That fucking prick had to be knocked out because he was yelling and trying to fight the medical staff when he woke up. If Sakura wasn't there, holding onto my hand like a vice, I might've tried to get a go at him.

She's asleep now, just like Gaara, Neji, and Tenten. Her hand's still loosely in mine, but she's leaning against Gaara on the bench we'd pulled up to Hinata's bedside.

What I don't get is why this kind of thing keeps fucking happening to all of us. What is it about us four that attracts so much danger and trouble? Whatever it is, I'm sick and tired of the drama and the stress. Our careers are all freshly blooming, and we're all still young and stupid. Right now should be when we're experiencing an abundance of good things, not this shit.


My vision came into focus, and I realized it was Hinata. She's awake! I grabbed her hand and frowned, surprising myself by suddenly having to fight the urge to cry. Her hand shook in mine, and the other visibly trembled as she raised it to cover her eyes as she started crying. All of my rage disappeared, and suddenly all that mattered was that she was distressed.

Her voice was a bit hoarse as she whispered, likely trying not to wake the others, "I-I was s-so scared...I thought I was going to die...."

God, I've never been able to figure out what to say in this kind of situation. Usually, I'd just try to physically comfort her, but I can't do that without hurting her right now. As I watched her lower her hand to cover her mouth and nose, eyes squeezed closed, I made myself eat my discomfort.

"It's alright. You're okay."

Those eyes opened up to lock onto mine, and my breath hitched. That look is something I've never imagined I'd see, and I never want to see it again.

My voice wavered a bit, and I narrowed my eyes but kept whispering, "Everything's gonna be fine, Hinata."

She nodded, sniffling as she wiped at her tears.

It got quiet between us for a long time, and I rested my head on my crossed arms as I tried to keep a hold of her hand. She pulled it from mine and rested it gently to cup my cheek, not moving even after she fell asleep.

Then and only then did I allow myself to get some rest, now that I know she's okay. I couldn't dream of sleeping without ensuring someone was there for her when she first woke up. If I wasn't here just now, she would've laid there crying and terrified for who knows how long.

I don't even care if the others wake up and see her touching my face like this because it seems to help her stay calm, which matters more to me.

-Hinata's POV-

The hospital let me go home a couple days later with a prescription for pain medication and a strong warning to take it easy while my ribs are on the mend. I was utterly stunned by the public's reaction to what happened. Overwhelming support and words of encouragement were being sent at me from all directions, and it warms my heart just thinking about it. Typically, some would feel the need to still say nasty things, even after something awful like this, but not this time, that I could see.

What surprised me even more than that was Sasuke. Gaara and Sakura are acting exactly how I pictured they would when I first woke up and realized I was in the hospital and hadn't been killed. Sakura is almost always trying to dote on me almost frantically, and Gaara's silently doing the same in a more subdued manner.

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