Chapter 74

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-Hinata's POV-

When I woke the following morning, I was sore, primarily between my legs. My eyes shot open as last night's memories flooded my brain. Sasuke and I properly had sex; we went all the way.

The man in question was still asleep, allowing me to stare at his unsuspecting face in awe. The way both of us acted last night was unfamiliar, as were the emotions. Tears welled in my eyes as I studied the gorgeous sleeping man's features, with the same feelings brewing in my chest and stomach.

I know I'm in love with him and have been for a while now, but it became more profound when we finally got intimate. I've never felt this way before. I'm actually kind of terrified because I don't know how I'm going to act when he wakes. What if he says something about it? How will I possibly be able to respond?

As stressful as the situation was becoming for me, I still didn't regret it in the slightest. Yes, it was sexy and physically fulfilling, but it also made me feel more connected to Sasuke, as though he finally trusts me in full.

A vision of his face last night, as I was fighting sleep to keep kissing him, crossed my mind, and I found myself cuddling into his side. My chest felt tingly, as though it could barely contain the exciting new emotions.

Sasuke groaned sleepily, one arm coming down to wrap around me while he reached up to rub his eyes with the other. After a moment, he turned his head to meet my eye. I watched as the realization came to his gaze, and he breathed out. He looked stunned and guilty, "I am so sorry, Hinata."

My brow furrowed, "What? Why?"

He turned onto his side to face me, brushing my long hair behind my shoulders, "You're upset, aren't you? You look like you're about to cry. I shouldn't have taken advantage of the situation last night. You weren't ready."

"No, last night was incredible!" Sasuke looked even more surprised, making me second guess myself, "A-At least it was for me. I hope you also..." I trailed off awkwardly, my previous excitement morphing into self-disappointment.

He said I wasn't ready. Does that mean he didn't have a good time? I should've done something other than let him control the situation. Maybe then he wouldn't be looking at me like I just told him something crazy.

"Are you fucking with me right now?"

The Uchiha man's eyes were suddenly warmer, the tense aura of the room beginning to lift. I opened my mouth to respond, but no words came out. Just what is going on inside his head? I don't know what I expected him to say or do when he woke, but it wasn't this.

Sasuke shook his head, barely holding back a smile as he ran a hand up my bare waist, eyes straying down to my naked chest, "Don't be an idiot, Hyuuga. Of course, I liked it."

My previous excitement returned, and I let out a relieved sigh, meeting him halfway when he leaned closer so our foreheads touched. Despite how bashful I felt, I closed my eyes, admitting softly, "Thank you. I-It was even better than I thought it'd be."

"What did I say about thanking me? Don't do that."

I hummed amusedly, kissing him and ignoring his irritated statement, "I'm a little sore."

The Uchiha man paused, making me pull back to see his almost prideful expression, "D-Don't let that go to your head! It's only because I-I was a virgin!"

He rolled his eyes, collapsing onto his back like he'd been when he was asleep, "You're wrong, and you know it."

Blushing, I clamped my mouth shut when he looked over to meet my gaze again, his eyes warm. Sighing defeatedly, I tried not to smile as I mirrored his position and stared at the ceiling, "W-We'll have to test that theory."

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