Chapter 36-Christmas Part 2

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-Hinata's POV-

Sasuke moved from being on the end of our little homemade cot next to Gaara to being on the opposite end by me when we returned downstairs.

He caught me crying.

The entire reason I went upstairs was to avoid something like that happening, but true to my unlucky nature, my attempt to not wake anyone up failed.

When he grabbed his pillow and walked around the rest of us to lay down at my side, I began to panic, but calmed slightly when he lay on his back and closed his eyes with his hands under his head rather than on his side to stare at me. The air remained tense and a bit awkward as he obviously waited for me to fall asleep, likely to make sure I didn't try to scamper off up the stairs to cry on my own again.

I glanced over at his side profile and felt my chest tighten like it had earlier. All three of my bandmates went out of their way to get me Christmas gifts and spend time with me tonight. As if that wasn't enough, Sasuke's refusing to let me suffer alone despite not knowing what's bothering me so much and isn't even prying. My tears had slowed substantially as I calmed down, but as my heart warmed I struggled to keep them that way.

I shouldn't focus on the negativity my family members are throwing my way. Instead, I should be grateful for the amazing people laying with me under the soft lights of the Christmas tree.

A shaky breath sucked in past my lips as I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to keep quiet so Sasuke won't begin to worry again. My attempt proved futile when he reached over to hesitantly pull my hand into his between our bodies, squeezing it gently as a silent sign of solidarity. I don't know how long I lay there crying and holding his hand, but sleep eventually took over.

The sound of Sakura's alarm blasting loudly from her phone startled me awake. A groan passed my lips as I clenched my eyes shut more firmly and attempted to sink even lower under the warm blankets.

The woman moved, to my dismay, and clicked off the jarring sound before patting me from atop the covers, "Time to get up, Hina-" A yawn cut off the rest of my name and she didn't bother finishing it once it passed. My brow furrowed when she untangled her legs from mine and climbed out from under the blankets, likely to go take a shower or at least prepare for one.

My body curled up in an instant when the warmth that's been keeping me comfortable began to fade with her body heat being removed. Last night's emotional distress wore me out and I want to absorb as much rest and relaxation as possible before inevitably having to get up for the day.

When I bent my legs, my feet brushed against something warm behind me and I sleepily rolled over to cuddle against it, relieved a replacement had shown itself. The body I was pressing against tensed slightly and my eyes shot open in realization.

Sasuke moved over last night.

I looked at the shirt my face is currently pressed against and sure enough, it was the back of the pajamas he changed into before we opened presents. Either he's been awake this entire time or I woke him up when I began cuddling him just moments ago.

I mulled over my options within a few seconds and decided not to move away just because he might tease me about it later. I embarrass myself in front of the handsome Uchiha man almost daily, so I stubbornly reclosed my eyes and snuggled more closely against his back with the intention of stealing his warmth. A few silent moments passed as I tried to fall asleep again, but his heart began beating more quickly. The sound of it pounded loudly against my ear, making my face warm slightly, but also making me feel a bit giddy because it's rare for Sasuke of all people to get flustered.

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