Chapter 10

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-Hinata's POV-

Kakashi had Tsunade and Jiraiya come to Sakura and I's room for practice on Thursday after being released from the hospital, that way my roommate could rest and I'd be near my bed should I suddenly start to feel bad. The tutors even brought a large bouquet of flowers from the CEO, another apology for the lapse in security.

I honestly felt back to normal, minus the slight damper in my mood, so I didn't see any reason for the special training arrangements. Everyone, me included, had been worried that I'd have a concussion, but the doctors assured us I'd be fine so long as I'm careful not to hit my head again.

Tsunade and Jiraiya both programmed their personal numbers in my phone and told me to text or call them if I run into trouble going forward.

Since I'd only lost a few hours of training, I wasn't very far behind schedule and decided to just make up for it by going to the extra classes overnight, as planned. I tried my best to put maximum effort into my training and it seemed to be fruitful.

I was surprised by how quickly I recovered from Suigetsu's attack, physically at least. Undoubtedly, I'd be plagued with nightmares about the event for months to come, but the agency has a team of mental health counselors for their idols and trainees and Kakashi insisted I go for at least a few weeks.

By the time my daily training was finished, I'd finished learning the choreography and notes for every song I'd be taking part in on our first album. All that was left was to perfect them. The two adults left to attend to other matters while Sakura rushed out of her bedroom with an exaggerated sigh, "About damn time!" She flopped down on the couch as I went to change out of my sweaty dance clothes.

"Hinata, we're friends right?"

I pulled my new shirt over my head and shoved my arms through the holes, "Of course! What's wrong?"

There was a pause, which had me walking to my bedroom doorway to look at my roommate curiously. She had turned onto her back and was staring at the ceiling with an unreadable expression.


Whatever trance she was in was broken and she glanced over at me with a sheepish grin, "Our debut is soon and I know we need to focus, but after Suigetsu almost...y'know, I can't help but-"

I sensed that this would be a serious topic and sat down on the floor with my back to the couch she lay on. It may be easier for her to talk if she doesn't have to look me in the eye. She noticed I was waiting for her to continue and did, albeit slowly, "So my mom and dad got divorced about two years ago and Dad moved to Hawaii with his new girlfriend, so I don't see him anymore. Mom got a new boyfriend, Sam, about a year ago and he just moved in about six months ago."

I had a bad feeling about where this was going, but kept my mouth shut as she struggled to explain with a straight voice. I could hear it waver every once in a while with emotion, "Sam's great and he makes Mom happy, but he has a son named Garrett who's not so great. He's really strong and harrasses me when they're not around."

I didn't look at her, but I could tell by her panicked voice that she was starting to cry. No wonder she needed to talk about this. It's so similar to what I'd just gone through.

"I tried so hard to be friends with him, Hinata, I did! He took my manners as flirting and keeps trying to- He-"

My whole body turned to look at her as she broke into tears. Her arms were crossed over her face so I laid a comforting hand on them, "It's okay- ''

She threw her arms down and sat up, face blotchy and eyes red, "It's not okay, Hinata! I can't tell my mom because I haven't seen her so happy in a long time and it'd ruin things for her with Sam. I thought moving into the dorm would keep Garrett at bay, but I still have to see him every time I visit home."

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