Chapter 70

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-Hinata's POV-

When I woke in the morning, a soft sigh left my lips because I'd expected to be hungover and uncomfortable. Instead, I was warm and content. Something soft was between my arms, while someone, almost definitely Sasuke, was lying behind me with an arm tossed over my waist. The limb tightened around me, and I realized I was correct when I recognized the Uchiha man's sleepy groan.

Feeling greedy, I pressed against him, smiling to myself when he kissed my head before nuzzling his face in my hair and snuggling closer. If I'm being honest, after drinking so much and staying up late last night, I expected this morning to suck, but this is lovely.

My eyes crept open, and the light-hearted aura came crashing down. The soft thing my arm was tossed over was Sakura as she slept all but on top of Gaara. The redhead's shirt was missing because his girlfriend was wearing nothing but that and a pair of underwear.

I was distracted from my panic when Sasuke ran his hand down my lower stomach to slip beneath my clothing. Squeezing my legs tightly together, I reached down with both hands to grab his arm and try to pull it away, only making him chuckle.

In a deep, raspy, and invigorating voice, the Uchiha man whispered in my ear, "They're asleep; it's fine."

As if on cue, Gaara stirred, his brow furrowing as he unconsciously wrapped his arms further around his girlfriend. The hand touching me so sensually, thankfully, moved away. Our redheaded bandmate's eyes opened. He blinked a few times before looking at us and going red in the face.

Almost frantically, he fixed his girlfriend's clothing so her underwear wasn't showing, murmuring surprisingly calmly, "Babe, wake up...."

Sakura groaned, sleepily mumbling, "No...." Half-awake, she turned her head to face Sasuke and me, and then her eyes opened the rest of the way in shock, "O-Oh!"

She sat up on Gaara's hips, frantically looking for something to cover herself with while simultaneously trying to make her shirt reach lower. After a moment, though, she froze, eyes landing on Sasuke's arm around my waist.

All four of us were quiet momentarily, but she eventually broke the silence, "Did you two hook up last night?"

Sasuke scoffed into my hair, but all I could do was stare at our friends with a red face, unsure of what to do or say.

"We don't need to ask you about your night because you two were going at it when we tried to go to bed."

Sasuke's rebuttal had both Gaara and Sakura's faces matching mine in color.

Apparently, the humiliation wasn't enough to distract them entirely because the girl asked, "You guys have never cuddled like that before; that's why I was asking." She gestured toward his arm, which still remained around my waist. Judging by how easy it was for me to feel his breath in my hair, he was also lying much closer than he ever has in anyone else's presence.

"So what? This kind of thing is normal between idols these days. Don't be such a prude."

Sakura's mouth clamped shut, and she turned her eyes onto me, "And you're okay with this?"

Going along with my boyfriend's casualness, I shrugged, "I-I don't mind. It's Sasuke." They know we're close friends, so my response wasn't that outlandish.

The pink-haired woman peered down at Gaara, whose hips she was still straddling, and they shared a surprised look, "Huh. Color me surprised."

For some reason, Sasuke chose to add, "Besides, you and I have kissed, and no one's said anything about that." My heartbeat sped up as I looked between Sakura and her boyfriend.

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