Chapter 27

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I repeat: endgame pairings are SasuHina GaaSaku NejiTen SaiIno

Any other pairings are SHORT TERM

Please no flames!

-Hinata's POV-

When I pulled the door to our dorm open, the handsome Inuzuka man stood waiting with a wolfish grin that brought a soft blush to my face.

Two months have passed since I saw him backstage before our debut concert and almost a year before then when I last visited his family's hospital. His appearance matured quite a bit over that period of time. I noticed it backstage, but had only gotten a few moments to speak to him that day so I didn't get a chance to take it all in.

Kiba's never been lanky, but he'd definitely gained some noticeable muscle mass. His boyish good looks now seemed quite a bit more rugged and manly. His dark brown hair was a tousled mess and just a little bit of stubble was on his face that suited him very well. He didn't look anything like the well-groomed idols I've been surrounded by for the past two months and I kind of liked that.

"Ready to go?" He motioned behind him with his thumb.

I nodded, turning to wave goodbye to my roommate, who waggled her eyebrows at us both, "Be good, kids! Use protection!" My face broke out into a wild heat and I gave her a look of disbelief before shutting the door behind me.

Kiba and I shared a bashful look before letting out awkward laughs and heading down the hall side by side. After pushing the button to call the elevator, he turned to give me a look-over, "You look amazing! How's celebrity life?"

I smiled shyly down at my shoes, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear in an attempt to keep my fingers from fidgeting, "Thank you. Things are going well so far."

The elevator door dinged and slid open to reveal familiar red hair. "Hello Gaar-S-S-Sasori!" Inwardly, I cursed myself for mistaking the two.

Bored light-brown eyes bore into mine for a moment before Sasori gave us a lazy nod of greeting. Then he wordlessly walked further down the hall so he could meet up with Sakura. My date and I exchanged another awkward look before stepping into the elevator.


I tilted my head at him with a frown, "He kind of creeps me out a bit."

Kiba chuckled, "Yeah, I get that. He doesn't change his expression much."

I wordlessly pulled my sunglasses on as the doors reopened on the ground floor and bravely stepped a bit closer to the handsome man when we stepped outside. Flashes of light from the paparazzi outside threatened to blind us, but Kiba reached back to grab my wrist on instinct before leading me through the chaos, making my heart flutter slightly.

After our debut, the photographers loitering the agency's grounds began approaching the members of Prestige with much more restraint. If word got out that they'd mistreated someone important, they'd get into more trouble than if it was just another trainee, at least with the public. The sheer number of paparazzi had at least doubled, though.

After opening the door to his car for me and making sure I was safely inside, Kiba came around to the driver's seat and immediately maneuvered the vehicle out of the agency's parking lot so we wouldn't be photographed anymore. "Do you have to deal with that all the time?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded, "Yes. I-I'm sorry for the trouble."

The man glanced at me for a moment before refocusing on the road, "You don't have to apologize. It just surprised me, that's all."

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