Chapter 22-Debut Performance

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The announcer was speaking to the crowd through the speakers, but their words were just a dull buzz compared to my heart beating loudly in my ears. Very few sources of light were shining about the room as the finishing touches to our debut concert were being smoothed out.

Prestige's first concert was about to start.

I could feel Sasuke's presence to my right and Sakura's to my left, knowing Gaara was on her other side. The only sound other than the deep voice coming through the speakers was the soft wave of murmurs coming from the crowd as they excitedly waited for the show to begin.

My stomach felt like it'd risen up into my throat and was threatening to escape my body via my mouth, but I kind of liked the intense feeling because it kept me grounded. If my body wasn't practically trembling with anxiousness, I'd be able to focus on my nervous thoughts and that's never a good thing. My heart felt like it was fluttering quickly with anticipation and I forced myself to take slow, deep breaths.

Calloused fingers suddenly intertwined firmly with my right hand and my head turned in Sasuke's direction in surprise, but the room was too dark for me to see him. The Uchiha'd likely only gained the courage to reach out because of this reason.

A warm feeling rose in my chest when I noticed his large hand was shaking slightly as it squeezed my smaller one. The fact that he was wordlessly asking for my reassurance and admitting his nervousness actually made me feel relieved. Even the great Sasuke Uchiha was nervous, so it made my current level of anxiety feel more manageable.

Riding high on the boost of courage his actions had given me, I squeezed his hand tightly and tried to send encouraging vibes in his direction. I really wanted to tell him I had his back no matter what happens on this stage, but our microphones were already hot so I had to stay silent and hope he received my message. He tentatively gave me one more squeeze before releasing my hand altogether.

Colorful lights turned on and brought the room alight at the exact time the opening music for We Don't Talk Anymore started playing through the speakers. It was so bright that I couldn't make out any individual faces in the crowd, but could get a general consensus on its size.

My body acted on memory despite my heart fluttering wildly in my chest. I followed Sasuke's lead as Prestige began to perform, expertly doing the dance moves that've been drilled into my head the past two weeks. They really did come naturally now and I didn't have to think much to perform them correctly.

Gaara was the first person to sing. His voice was soft like how he spoke, but was still solid and adjusted well to fit the genre we were singing.

Gaara: We don't talk anymore

We don't talk anymore

We don't talk anymore

Like we used to do

We don't laugh anymore

What was all of it for?

Oh, we don't talk anymore

Like we used to do

Sakura and I twirled around to become equal with our partners as the first verse came up. My ears picked up a few cheers past the earpieces and the bundle of nerves in my stomach started to loosen. I wrapped one arm around Sasuke's waist and looked up at his face with my back to the crowd, my palm touching his hipbone as he began singing.

It took everything in me to keep from visually reacting. He looked beautiful, even more so than I've ever seen before. It wasn't his clothing or styling that made him seem radiant, but the expression on his face as he sang. There were moments over the past two weeks where I questioned Sasuke's commitment to Prestige because he acts so nonchalant, but in that moment he made me forget ever doubting him.

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