Chapter 68

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-Sasuke's POV-

The number of mistakes I've made with Hinata since we began dating is beginning to make me question my intellect. Not only did I act like a jealous prick again, but when I realized she was upset, I all but seduced her rather than listen.

As sexy as the encounter was, being given the rare opportunity to see Hinata both aroused and angry, I know I fucked up. I took advantage of a moment of weakness to avoid having a difficult conversation.

Now, Hinata's even more hurt. I know because the moment we were done, she locked herself in the bathroom without as much as a second glance in my direction. The Hyuuga didn't come back out, either, until I left her room. When I checked later, both doors were locked: her not-so-subtle way of making it clear she didn't want to see me for the rest of the night.

As I lay alone in bed, trying to ignore how cold it seemed without a familiar curvaceous body cuddling up to my side, I distracted myself by thinking about what'd happened at my father's mansion earlier today. Itachi had called me, saying Fugaku demanded my attendance at some meeting that was to be held, but when I showed up, my brother was the only person not surprised.

The meeting was as dull as any other, and I didn't pay attention to anything said. Instead, I spent my time juggling my father's glare, Toneri's smug grin, and shooting my own glare at Itachi for getting me into the mess. The Otsutsuki man's father, whose name I can't be bothered to remember, Hiashi Hyuuga, and a few other big names in the business world were also present.

After a dreadful two and a half hours, the meeting finally ended, and Itachi managed to excuse us before anyone could find a reason to prevent it. Irritated and feeling stuffy in the suffocating aura of my dad's giant home, I loosened my tie and accepted a glass of whisky from my brother when he pulled me into his personal office and poured us both one, "What the hell am I doing here, Itachi?"

The man froze with his glass to his lips and a look of disbelief, "Are you joking, little brother? Did you not pay attention to anything said in that meeting?"

I quickly tossed back the entire glass, sitting it down on the blackwood desk harder than intended, "Do I look like I'm in a joking mood? What kind of scheme are you playing at this time?"

Itachi's brow twitched in annoyance, and he, too, finished his glass but sat it down more calmly. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then reopened them so his expression could morph into one of confidence and maybe even bravado, "I got you here for your own sake, but since you seem intent on only seeing me as an enemy, then that's what I shall be."

Rolling my eyes, I scoffed, "You're so fucking dramatic. I'm going home." I crossed the room but froze with a hand on the doorknob when he spoke again, stunning me completely.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to make Hinata fall in love with me."

A fire lit within my stomach, and I turned slowly, fixing him with a threatening glare, "Like hell you are."

Gone were Itachi's faux smiles and polite charades. Instead, he came to stand tall before me with an expression as serious as if he'd just made me aware of someone's death, "Think about it, Sasuke. It makes sense for us to get together; we're both firstborns. I bet Father would arrange our marriage if I asked for it."

In a blink, a handful of his shirt was in my fist, and I pulled him closer so I could hiss angrily at his stupid, stoic face, "If you have a problem with me, then that's between us. Leave her out of it."

"You don't deserve her. You're not even trying to protect her."

Just like during the last dinner party that I saw him at, he spoke as though she was in danger, which led me to believe him somewhat.

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