Chapter 46

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-Hinata's POV-

Yet another yawn managed to get past my lips and I reached up to cover my mouth with one hand and a blush. Yamato, the host of Top Tier, has been giving us a general tour of his show's set and introducing us to some of the staff as well.

Last night I had a mountain of trouble falling asleep and it's all thanks to the filming that's soon to begin. Well, Sasuke and I still haven't addressed the fact that we had a short makeout session and that might've had a little tiny bit to do with it, too, but that's beside the point. I'm not sure if and how I'll be able to make it through this filming seamlessly both mentally and physically demanding show without blunder. Then, rather than get a day or two to relax after, I have to immediately go car shopping with Sasuke, yet another stressful event. Life's sure been giving me a run for my money lately.

Yamato, who's proven to be nothing less than kind and accommodating, waved over one of his aides, "Can we get Miss Hyuuga a coffee please?"

I smiled, "Thank you."

He returned it, "I've heard from many guests that the life of an idol can be tiring." Then he glanced at the other three members of Prestige, "Would you all like any refreshments as well?" Without waiting for a response, he instructed the young aide to fetch a variety and waited for them to flit off before motioning for us to continue following him as he gestured toward a closed door that had a small sign on it saying "contestant waiting room".

When he spoke next, his tone was a bit more professional, "This concludes our tour. Now, let's introduce you to your co-stars."

One moment we were walking into the room and the next I was hitting my forehead on Gaara's stiff back when he suddenly froze in place. One hand raised absently to rub the spot on my head that'd hit him as I leaned to the side to look around his taller frame in an attempt to figure out what had him so stunned.

Anger seeped heavily into my blood and a heavy breath sucked in through my teeth as I narrowed my eyes at Sasori, who returned the hateful look without missing a heartbeat. Both Akatsuki and Konan's band rose to their feet to politely greet us. Hidan's bright pink-ish eyes locked onto mine, distracting me from Sakura's ex-boyfriend's, and he grinned widely when I turned my glare onto him instead. That is, until I realized Gaara and Sakura both still weren't moving and I had to tighten the reins on my emotions before Yamato and the others figured out there's some bad blood between us.

When I stepped around Gaara, I caught a glimpse of his dark expression in my peripheral vision and swallowed nervously before lightly touching his shoulder and standing tall at his side, allowing Sakura to dip slightly behind me to hide from Sasori's unhindered stare. My redheaded teammate snapped out of it, face paling when he met my gaze, before he nodded and spoke softly, "I'm fine." I leaned my head against his arm for a moment before stepping ahead of the group, sensing Sasuke follow my lead, and we bowed to the other celebrities.

The Uchiha spoke calmly, "We've already been acquainted with our co-stars, Yamato." He's so very proficient at faking it for those who don't know him personally.

Top Tier's host sure seemed fooled. Yamato smiled in delight, "Oh, that's wonderful! Please try and be yourselves while filming. Viewers always react more positively when our guests are genuine."

The aide from before came rushing in behind us, causing us to enter the room further to make room for her to bring a small cart stocked full of canned drinks, bottled water, and healthy snacks. The host thanked his employee before glancing at his watch, "Please help yourselves to some refreshments. I have to speak with one of the producers real quick and then I'll come back and take you all to hair and makeup."

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