Chapter 6

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"Prestige, please welcome the Uzumaki family. I'm sure you've heard of them."

We politely bowed before the guests in silence. Sakura glanced at me out of the corner of her eye while we rose back up. Sasuke glanced between us with an annoyed expression, but also seemed mildly curious. The confidence I'd built in the past twenty-four hours flew right out the window at the sight of Karin's smug face.

"Their daughter is debuting as a designer with her first clothing line and they've selected our agency for promotion. You're all close in age to Karin so I thought you'd be the best fit. Please introduce yourselves."

Kakashi was being his charming yet professional self and appeared to have no idea he was welcoming a terrible bully into what's supposed to be a safe place.

Gaara wasted no time in stepping forward and shaking hands with the three guests and speaking in his usual softer voice, "Hello, my name is Gaara. I'm excited to work with you."

He looked like he was part of the family since his hair matched both Karin and her mother's in color. Kakashi seemed pleased with his initiative.

It made sense to introduce ourselves in order, so Sakura was up next. She took a step forward and spoke in the least confident voice I'd heard from her to date, "My name is Sakura. Nice to meet you." She pressed her hands flat against her thighs, a tactic I often used when my nervous hands would get clammy, before shaking each of their hands.

Sasuke snickered quietly at her,obviously noticing the move too. I was appalled by his insensitivity and bravely elbowed him lightly in the side. His gaze hardened angrily, but he couldn't show any other reaction because it was his turn. "My name is Sasuke. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Karin's taunting gaze briefly left its position of jumping between Sakura and I so it could land on the handsome man offering his hand. The attraction she immediately felt toward the handsome young man was incredibly obvious. She eagerly leaned forward to meet his handshake, even having the audacity to wink at him. Her parents ignored the act as if it were a normal occurrence.

Finally, it was my turn and I stepped forward, "My name is Hinata." I didn't know what else to say and I didn't want to trip over my words trying to figure it out so I cut my introduction short. Honestly, I was just impressed I'd managed not to stutter.

Karin shoved her hand into mine eagerly, squeezing firmly as she held my fearful gaze with her cockier one. I pulled my hand away before she could get to me and quickly shook Mr. and Mrs. Uzumaki's hands before stepping back into my place.

The atmosphere was tense for a moment as we all stared at each other before Karin spoke up, "May I take them out for dinner, Mr. Hatake? My treat." She played the young professional role so well she could've won an award.

Kakashi grinned easily, "Of course, Karin. I think it's a great idea to get to know the people who'll be representing your brand."

He addressed us politely, "Please postpone any training you have scheduled so you can enjoy a dinner together."

We each offered different varieties of acknowledgement. Karin then stepped forward and walked between Sakura and Sasuke, cutting our group in half, and started leading us to the exit. I gave one last yearning glance back at Kakashi's office before following the others. The CEO noticed and offered me a small look of encouragement, still clueless about the situation.

I didn't have my sunglasses with me because I didn't know we'd be leaving the building and the paparazzi recognized me immediately. We were swarmed in an instant. I tried lowering my head to hide my face from the unwelcome flashes.

My face felt hot and suddenly I didn't feel the rest of the group with me. I pulled my arms away from a couple photographers who were brave enough to try and force me to look up, but a third one simply went for my hair and yanked it back. Unfortunately I wasn't expecting this and was sent tumbling backwards onto the sidewalk.

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