Chapter 51

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-Hinata's POV-

The last day of filming went by in a blur. The only thing I can remember clearly is my panic in response to Hidan knowing the colors in my bedroom. He lied, obviously, when he said he heard it in an interview. I know that for a fact because I would've been the one to answer the question and never have. That means that at some point, either Hidan or someone he's friends with has been in my room.

To my knowledge, not a single member of Akatsuki or Konan's band has even been upstairs at our house, so I'm understandably terrified. Either he snuck up there during the Halloween party or has been in our home without our knowledge. Both possibilities are scary, but I'm hoping it was during the party because that would at least mean he didn't break in and had simply gone somewhere he shouldn't have while already inside. That doesn't make me any more comfortable with the idea, though.

At the end of our Top Tier journey, Prestige ended up in second place, just two points behind Akatsuki. Yamato told us our season would air in December, eleven months away. I wondered briefly why we filmed it so early but didn't bother focusing much on the thought. If I spend time trying to understand every little detail of the show business world, I'll drive myself crazy.

As we were told, after three consecutive days of filming, everyone involved was given a three-day weekend with no work obligations. Our last break was less than three weeks ago, but those days were long and stressful, so I'm grateful for the opportunity to relax. On Thursday night, the same night we were released from filming, all of us went to bed early. On Friday, though, we all awoke feeling rejuvenated after sleeping in our own beds for the first time in days.

Sakura left early in the morning, before eight a.m., with plans to spend the day with her mother and soon-to-be step-father since she didn't spend Christmas with them. Gaara simply left the house with no hints about his plans, borrowing one of the agency's cars rather than relying on someone else to drive him.

With nothing else to do, Sasuke and I decided to go car shopping like we discussed before Top Tier. Other than the fact that my anxiety has decreased substantially, things haven't changed between us all that much. Before, I wasn't sure exactly where he and I stood, but now that I know he feels the same way as me, any nervousness is because I like him so much and am still relatively new to dating.

Other than sleeping in his room last night, there's not much to report. We were both too tired to do anything other than rest. Sasuke and I agreed without error that we should keep it from Gaara and Sakura for at least a week or two until things aren't so brand new, that way if they (mainly Sakura...okay, only Sakura) start acting weird about it, we don't feel as awkward.

"It has a five-year warranty and comes with-"

I glanced at Sasuke's side profile as he listened to the car salesman's pitch for the random upscale car we were standing near. My face warmed slightly when I realized his eyes were brighter than usual in the unfiltered sun since there wasn't a cloud in the sky. How nice...

The Uchiha man glanced over and caught me staring before asking the salesman to give us some space to look around on our own. Once the employee was out of earshot, he opened the car's door and gestured for me to sit in the driver's seat.

When I did as requested, he leaned down with one arm on the roof and one arm lazily atop the open door as he smirked, "You're supposed to check out the cars, not me, idiot." I lightly rested my head on the steering wheel so he couldn't see my red face, too humiliated to respond. He snickered, motioning broadly to the vehicle I was sitting in, "So, do you like this one?"

Sighing, I straightened my spine and looked at the rest of the dashboard and passenger seat, "I don't know. All these cars look the same to me...."

An irritated frown met his lips as he rolled his eyes, "Why'd you even ask me to come if you don't care what kind of car you get?"

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