Beautiful Sinner: Part One

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Chapter One


"You are going to be the pack leader end of!" Father Growled. This wasn't what I wanted at all! "Father I don't want to! I'm not! And I never will!" I argued.

"It's your destiny! What would you do all your life if you didn't?" He continued. I tilted my head up slowly to his scared face, "A free wolf..." I said bravely.

"Your not a wolf! Your a werewolf! You cannot avoid it!" I couldn't stand him much longer, I ran outside shortly turning into my Snowy wolf form. I lived in England in the deep forest away from human eyes. We lived with pack Moonlight, a well known pack and I was apparently next in line to the throne! Not only that, I needed to find a mate, according to father. But I guess I haven't found the right guy yet... I looked and aged 14 and that's the right age? Not to me... I spent a lot of my free time alone. My father thinks I'm to weak to look after myself. I know better... I am the fastest in the pack, I have incredible agility and accuracy, and a lot of stamina... My only downfall is my strength, but I'm sure with all my other talents I can look after myself.

One night when the moon was full I heard a unusual howl. It was around one mile away and I had never heard that wolf before, it wasn't from our pack... But I loved the sound of it, it was the softest howl I had ever heard. I had to find this wolf. If I had learned anything from father is a pack united is better than a pack alone. I ran as fast as I could whilst being as quiet as a mouse. The howling didn't stop, then it made me wonder... Was this wolf howling every night? And I was just to stubborn to listen? Before long I reached this singer wolf. I crept up behind a tall rock. I peeked my head around the corner and there stood a beauty, thick black hair, golden eyes... He was perfect... But who was he? I placed my paw onto the rock and leaned over to get a better look. However, I forgot I was in wolf form and slipped down and tumbled right down to his paws. He was awfully tall. He looked down at me and sniffed my ears. He scuffed and walked away, leaving me on the floor dazzled by his beauty. He was well camouflaged in the dark so much so he was out of sight within seconds. I found my feet and walked off. Suddenly, I realised where I was. I looked for a extremely long and thick tree. Unfortunately I found what I was looking for. The midway tree. I sniffed the bark and I could smell where the sunlight pack had marked the tree. The sunlight pack was our rival pack, I quickly ran back to my house now worried about whether the black beauty had spread the word.

The next morning was a Monday, meaning I had to go to school, human school. About 25% of the school was wolf and the rest human. Some of my teachers were even werewolf! Every werewolf wears a Silver neckless with a clay wolf hanging from it. These clay wolves are the same colour as the fur they have in wolf form. So mine is white. In my human form I had long silky blonde hair and pale skin. So pale in fact that I could be mistaken for a ghost, however with boiling hot skin and the warmth of my heart you would realise I wasn't a ghost. My closest friend was Olivia, she was a red furred wolf and had long ginger hair curls with ever so slightly tanned skin. None of the humans knew about wolves. We could tell them if we wish but whether they could cope mentally I doubt. I clipped my tie on and slipped my blazer on. I pushed my hair behind my ear and looked in the mirror to check if I looked ok. I hated my pale skin, I looked like a monster. Even when I went sun bathing I would never get a tan, but then again there isn't much sun in England.

I arrived in form, there was 7 wolves in our form (if you didn't know , form is your registration class and sometimes you have the whole of form in different subjects) Mr. Wheesley (Wez-ley) was our form tutor, he was human, luckily he was late to arrive. I sat down next to Olivia in form and we weren't together in any other class, so we made the most of form time. Our first period was tutor time which was great as I could tell Olivia about the black Wolf I met.

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