Beautiful Sinner: Part Two

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Beautiful Sinner: Part Two.

Chapter Two

Too Close

I didn't know how to react, If I was to stand my ground I would die almost instantly of the 50 wolves (The whole of the moonlight pack) attacking me. If I was to deny it I would face the pack leader. My father. I looked at Zane I placed my paw on his. "What do we do?!" I whispered trying not to move my long snout. Zane said nothing, in fact he wasn't moving at all. I was waiting for my punishment, which was most likely to be beaten, however, no one did anything. "He was there I swear!" Protested Olivia.

"There is nothing here Olivia! In future never howl the pack to come to you EVER again!" Father snapped making his teeth look even bigger. Fathers wolf was grey and dull. Battle scares ruined his once silky fur and ever since the day my mother died he has never smiled. I could clearly see Zane and I was wondering if my father was being sarcastic or not, but he was being serious! Then it hit me, his black fur! He was almost impossible to see in the dark unless you strained your eyes. I stood there as well not moving, trying to make me look innocent but now I think about it, it made me look even more guiltier. Father was the last to leave. "Aren't you coming home?" He asked looking over his hunched shoulder. I shook my head and forced a smile upon my snout. After all the wolves were long gone out of sight Zane opened his eyes again and started to move properly. "Jesus Christ! That was close!" I gasped looking around making sure no one was watching.

"Too close for my liking," growled Zane as he walked away.

"And where are you going?" I asked, feeling rather insulted.

"Away..." He replied, not stopping even to say goodbye.

"Oh, ok... See you later... Zane? Don't go, please..." I begged crying a puppy cry.

"I must go, goodbye." He mumbled.

The Next day in school Olivia was becoming more and more grumpier and despite no one listening to her, she continued the story about me and Zane. School was now like a battle field, Olivia would constantly be watching me and so would I, She had done things like this before but not this far. "Olivia can't you let it pass? Its not my fault he was my... my true mate. It was my destiny and besides. We might even unite a pack! Why wont you just be happy?" I asked her,

"No! Your a discrase! And now because of you everyone hates me!" She yelled, the whole playground was looking at us, including the humans.

"Is there a problem?" Said a voice, which had a slight Jamaican Accent, and there stood a boy. He was tall and muscly, His eyes were deep and he wasn't wearing a uniform. And he wasn't a teacher either. His was skin was a very dark shade of brown and his hair was a even darker brown if not black. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and blue jeans. Olivia walked away with a growl, I just hoped she was still going to be my friend once I had explained. I walked away from this person into the tall school entrance doors, just before I went inside of the building I looked back at this boy, he lifted a silver chain from his pocket and showed a black clay wolf... I then knew who it was...

After School I went to see Zane in the forest, I couldn't wait to see him. I had a good day but I just wanted to thank him. He was my love of my life, everything I had dreamed of. I could smell him but I could also smell a human. I wondered who it was and quickly jumped into my Snow wolf - I was much faster when I was a wolf. We usually met at the large rock where I first saw him. I heard a small human voice as scared as hell.

"Now you run along wolf or I will blast my bullets into that skull of yours!" The human said, he had a shotgun in his hands. He appeared to be a farmer, short grey hair and a muddy face. I crept up on top of the boulder which was behind him. Once I reached the top a started to growl. The farmer turned around dropping his gun. "You will remember nothing..." I chanted, my eyes glowed a golden colour. The humans eyes did to, symbolising the spell worked. "Run along now..." I commanded.

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