Beautiful Sinner: Part Twelve

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Beautiful Sinner: Part Twelve

Chapter Twelve

8 Poison Bites

I felt something sharp pinch my leg but I was too tired to look... Then I felt 7 more bites onto my legs, arms, stomach, all over! I now began to worry and was about to see what was wrong and just as I lifted my head a big sharp knife like object bit my head! At first all I could feel was pain but slowly my body became numb and I began to feel extremely tired. My eyelids became paralyzed but I before I blacked out I saw some long blue snakes with orang spots... And even when my eye lids were shut I could feel the pain still... Eventually I passed out...

I woke up but my eye lids weren't opening for me. I tried to remember what happened but everything was a blur. Thankfully, my fingers became back into gear. Although, I could only wriggle my fingers ever so slightly. But with joy comes fear. Once I regained my fingers strength I could now feel the unbearable pain. I wanted to scream but my mouth was numb. After around 30minutes I began to feel some sort of liquid fill my body and climb my spine. I couldn't even think about what is was as my head was muffled and 1 + 1 seemed hard for me at the time. The blackness of the unknown pain was the most terrifying thing anyone can go threw and unfortunately I had to go threw it. My legs came back to me along with my arms. But I couldn't move them over a inch off the ground. Then I heard something hiss and suddenly my eye lids jumped open... I was alive! I looked down my shoulder and one of the snakes came back for more. Even though I could move I was in no shape for a battle - even with a snake. I was helpless and before I knew it the snake was already digging into my leg. The pain was even worse as I knew what was actually going on. I looked up to the sky and screamed in pain. My sight was blurring and my heart was preparing for shut down. I could feel the venom spread up my leg. My heart was beating heavily and the venom was into my stomach already... I looked to the sky and noticed that same crack. I had to try and break it some more. I chanted to myself: "I love you Zane...." The sky began to rip and I could hear it breaking it sounded like a zip on a coat. Three golden sparkles drifted down the sky. One landed onto my chest and the energy restored my body, I stood up quickly and grabbed the snake by its neck and tail. Another sparkle was falling down and I lifted the snake in front of it. The sparkle landed onto its body restoring its natural colours - black with bright blue stripes. It was still venomous but less hostile. It slivered off into the distance and I began to walk.

My legs were bruised and so were my arms. I still felt externally drained but if I didn't move who knows what will happen! The jungle began to thin but I wasn't out yet. The sun began to shine through the cracks and the jungles colours began to show. It was great to see the forest like that. It was almost paradise! Birds were flying over head and I even saw a small nest with a few blue birds! It was lovely! Rabbits filled the floor along with tortoises and monkeys occupied the canopy. It just showed me how cruel the gods were. I stripped over a little stone and when I landed, instead of sticky mud there was fine dirt. I clenched my fists and released to feel the softness, I stood up again and felt the bark of the trees. They were hard but somehow you could feel a pulse. This reminded me of the fight I had with Billy on the Tuesday. I had no clue what day it was but it had felt like years without Zane. One small bird landed on to my finger nail. "Hi there!" I whispered. She tweeted with a smile and flew off into the sun.

I walked for a while and looked around and there was no birds. I tilted my head in confusion and I placed my palm on to the tree to feel its pulse... It was dead. I looked behind me and the forest was dull and my foot began to sink into the mud. I sighed as the forest was back to dead as Billy's explanation. My eyes began to leak as all the free birds were now mutated and back to monsters. At that point one of the trees dropped down and behind it was a eyeless creature with no mouth... One of the gods... I quickly hid behind another tree and held my breath. The gods nose socket began to drip blood and it could smell me...

I ran away as fast as I could transforming into a bald eagle and taking to the sky. I looked back and the god was moving towards me. I noticed it had a transparent dress with no body underneath and the ends of the dress was ripped. I began to fly higher and higher but the air was becoming too thin for me to breeth in so I had a new escape plan. I dived down as fast as I could but my white head was contrasting against the black sky and the god didn't stop. I was approaching a stone mountain and I managed to hide in a cave without the gods noticing... But they wouldn't stop and the mountain began to tremble and I heard boulders racing down the mountain...

Beautiful Sinner : UnpredictableDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora