Beautiful Sinner: Part Three

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Beautiful Sinner: Part Three

Chapter Three


Olivia stayed loyal ever since we told her (2 weeks). Father had political pack issues which meant he to leave the house a lot, which gave me chance to see Zane, like I predicted, the mating symbols continued to grow and me Olivia and Zane were all trying to think of a reason why this happened and how to stop it. Our time was running out and if we didn't think fast we would have to go to drastic measures. "What about my Uncle Markus?" I suggested,

"Uncle Markus?" Zane repeated,

"Isn't he that uncle that you said had gone mad?" Olivia rightly pointed out. And yes he was in fact, Crazy. However he had the knowledge we needed. He was a wizard, also a werewolf. I knew where he lived but I had never seen what he looked like but over the past 3 years he had been talked about, about when he gained rickets in his leg, and how he had moved from his farm house in Leeds and moved to a man-made (well werewolf-made) twig based shack on the mount Snowdon in wales. And most of all how he had turned into a alcoholic, werewolves don't traditionally drink alcohol but obviously that didn't apply to Uncle Markus.

"He could hold the answer - but whether he can actually spit it out I doubt," I admitted,

"Why is he disabled?" Zane asked,

"Well that's a way to put it -" and just before I could finish Olivia interrupted

"He's a alcoholic!" giggled Olivia, I wasn't impressed. We had decided that we would meet again the following day and set off for snowdon.

I walked through the door with father snoozing on the black leather couch, he had been hunting alot. I ran up the stairs into my bedroom and got some rest. I got changed into some shorts and a purple trackie jacket. My room was a averaged sized room with my double bed with cream coloured sheets, My wall paper was a light blue (close to baby blue). I don't really have much in my room as I don't really need that much. I do have a desk and a apple laptop but I only use that for research and Homework. Speaking of school I needed days off to go to Snowdon!

"You want me to give you days off to go on a holiday?" Miss Loveday said crossing her arms.

"Yes," I replied trying to hurry.

"And why? I mean one pupil off is bad enough but why does Olivia need to go?" I paused, She was looking at Olivia, "why does Olivia need to go anyway?" I thought to myself.

"We um. We are going on a trip to mount Snowdon!" She cheered shooting her arms up almost hitting me in the face. Mr. Lorn (Head Teacher) walked past and over heard some of our conversation. "Would it be educational?" He asked, completely getting the wrong idea.

"Yes Mr. Lorn I'm sure it would be. There parents do know so I am leaving to take them after school!" She smirked glancing over to us.

"Well you certainly dressed for the occasion!" Mr. Lorn chuckled, twirling Miss. Loveday's long blond hair, and examining at her lipstick. Mr. Lorn had a small crush on Miss. Loveday but Mr. Lorn was a old man with shortly trimmed gray hair which was parallel to his nose. "Come on kids we don't want to be late!" She laughed dodging Mr. Lorns kiss attempt.

"Thanks Miss," We said together.

"Listen kids," She started before she got interrupted by Olivia.

"We are NOT Baby goats!" She yelled before I slapped her legs, symbolizing I meant "SHUT UP!!"

"Anyway..." Miss. Loveday continued shaking her head at Olivia. "You can't keep sneaking out of school! Being a werewolf doesn't pay rent when your older! Now, you best run along!" She said, she couldn't be to mad because she got a day off work, but she managed to pay bills!

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