Beautiful Sinner: Part Eleven

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Beautiful Sinner: Part Eleven

Chapter Eleven

9 Thick Trees

I lay down and placed my hands behind my head, palms touching my hair. I looked up into the dark sky and something was different. I tried to focus my eyes a bit harder and using my eagle magnification I noticed one tiny little crack in the blackness and through it you could see navy blue sky with one star. I looked down to my leg and it was fatter than ever. I leaned over slowly trying not to hurt myself, I placed my hand onto my leg and I saw a deep wound. My jeans were stained with blood, I was just glad I was alive. Can you imagine if I died? I wouldn't be able to tell you my story today! It just made me realise how precious life is. I sat back down and began to sleep...

I woke up to something crunching. I stood up forgetting I had a broken leg and fell back down to the ground violently slamming my head onto the ground. I looked over to my leg and it couldn't of been any worse. My bone was almost sticking out of my skin and it was as fat as a pig. I slowly transformed into my snake and began my journey. There was a large field which was ideal but beyond that lived more trees. However, this time the trees were of a jungle sort and didn't look very stable at all!

I entered the thick jungle and this time I had no one watching my back... The tree trunks were black as ash and the canopy was leafless. The floor was wet and muddy. And yet again no life was visible excluding me. Squelch was the common sound and suddenly I realised there was a lot of Squelching... I stopped and the sound of the squelching was still heard. The sky growled and it wasn't the only thing growling either... Suddenly a huge monster appeared! Big, brown skin, hair-less, Big black eyes, sharp canine teeth which hanged from its mouth, Claws made for killing, ears adapted for hunting... I gasped with fear and began to run. I couldn't be anything but a snake as most other animals which were fast enough had legs! The chase began and it was catching up! It's claws took a swipe and cut part of my tail clean off! I screamed in pain and before I knew it I was human again. I scurried into a bush away from the beast and tried to figure out something with my leg. The beast was the size of a house and it stood on 2 legs upright and raised its claws above its head ready to attack. "Nah, oil, Zeek..." I chanted quietly almost fainting from exhaustion. My leg began to regain strength but it was only temporary and I wouldn't be able to use it again for a phew weeks. I could hear its rat like nose sniffing for my sent. It growled and turned to the bush I was hiding behind and growled... The beast ripped the bush to shreds but I wasn't there! It looked up in confusion to find that I was climbing up the tree in a black camouflaged spider monkey. The rat nosed beast roared in frustration and began to climb the tree. With its 90cm, yellow claws it was easy to climb the tree. I could feel the tree shake as the monster began to climb. I quickly jumped onto another tree and began to jump to tree to tree (there was no vines to swing on to). I thought I would lose the monster, but it thought otherwise. Instead of climbing the trees it simply destroyed each one until eventually he would knock down the tree I was jumping onto. I immediately changed tactics and began to climb higher onto the tree tops. Then I noticed the crack in the thick black sky. The sun was shinning through it , there was a beam of sunlight shinning onto the forest floor. Suddenly I lost my grip and fell onto the floor... The monster lifted his claws up ready to attack... And at that moment more of the sky cracked and a laser light of sunlight shone on the monster. It cried in pain and began to glow brightly... I closed my eyes as the glow was too bright for my eyes to cope and when I looked back... There was a small badger! It climbed onto my stomach and sniffed my face,

"Thank you," He squeaked before running off. As the sunlight touched the dark mud, the mud began to harden and become dirt. Small grass stems began to grow and all the jungle trees around the soil began to regrow leaves of a more vibrant like green colour and the bark cracked, eventually falling off revealing bright brown jungle wood. It only showed how much this island needed help. It was only a small patch of the forest. My tummy began to grumble and I was hungry. But what would I eat? I had to think fast because my leg began to sting again.

I transformed into a black panther and began my hunt. I had to watch my back as I could be hunted myself. It was very interesting seeing the world from cats eyes. I felt so free! I was a bad pussy cat... I stalked the forest hunting for a decent meal. It wasn't exactly going to be fish and chips. My paws were covered in mud and my eyes were fearless. My ears began to twitched and I found a small monster. It was fat and furry. Brown and appeared to be harmless. It heard me as I crept up and it's face turned around and it was defiantly a carnivore. Once again this thing had large canine teeth which stuck out from its mouth but less so as the badger monster. It's eyes were blue without pupils and its canine teeth had blood dripping from the tips. It growled at me before running off. I jumped from behind the tree and began to chase the beast. It's fat legs weren't ideal for running - it was very funny indeed! Like a dwarf, it was fat and small with big pink feet and tiny arms, I couldn't possibly see how this thing was a killer! I was gaining speed and catching up with the little, fat, hairy dwarf (l.f.h.d), it shrieked a high pitched squeal and climbed up the tree. It was much better at climbing than running with its big, pink feet. I jumped up the tree and began to climb after it. Suddenly the tree cracked and I was falling. I stood up slowly covered in mud and growled in anger. The l.f.h.d began to laugh insultingly. I roared back... Then something remarkable happened. The l.f.h.d began to call something, and from behind all of the trees appeared more l.f.h.d's! They jumped down and began to corner me - I know knew how they hunted. One lunged to attack but with my handy agility I used my giant paw and whacked it out of the way into a tree. The others looked at me and their blue eyes turned red and suddenly I was covered in raging little, fat, hairy dwarfs; very embarrassing! And at that point my leg was bitten and soon began to return back to normal (broken). I yelled in pain and shook all the beasts off. One was really annoying me and before you could say "Run!" I was already on top of it chewing on its neck. It was extremely tasty. The blood was so sweet and its mussels were chewy and fatty. And before I knew it I was already eating another! Despite my broken leg I was already causing a pile of dead l.f.h.d's. Every time I ate these creatures I seemed to grow stronger! And my leg? That was doing well! I figured those l.f.h.ds had some sort of source of calcium, so much in fact my leg was healed! I opened my eyes and I was chewing on another! Then I realized it was because I was a big cat and my crave for meat was even higher! I had to stop because I would end up fatter than a pig! I was now extremist tired and time for some sleep.

I started a campfire and sat on a decomposing log. I looked up into the sky and more of the black cover was ripped and the moon was glowing straight through it. I now had a new problem of being thirsty! However this was easy as there was a near by pond... I licked my legs and lay down on the log. I began to feel a little woozy and my first reaction was leaches but it wasn't and it didn't take me long to realize what it was. The lake was poisonous and I should of known better! My stomach twisted and I began to throw up. Yuck! After that my head began to spin. I tried to stand up but I fell back down instantly. I fell into the mud and turned over and began to sleep..

I woke up with sick lying next to me.

"Oh my god! Yuck ewww!" I squealed. Luckily none of it was on my. The trees seemed to have grown threw the night and I saw something glowing in the distance. I found my legs and walked closer to the light. And there stood a lonely tree truck with a spinning emerald hovering above. I crept closer and just before I could touch it I heard something snap. I thought it was my leg but I was still standing. I returned to taking the emerald and something tripped me up! I fell down onto my back and I sat up and looked to my legs and there was a tree root. Suddenly, something grabbed my hand, it was dirty and wet and when I looked to my hand in fear there was a tree root! I tried to transform into a panther again but my leg was now being dragged! I tried to cut the root but it was too thick and mossy for me to snap. Then I was chucked on to the floor surrounded by 9 thick trees. I began to walk off but the trees formed a circular wall around me with no way out even climbing. They began to move closer and closer. I growled but I was slapped in the face by a root! How rude! I was on my bottom being squashed by the moving trees!

"Back off or you will be burnt!" I commanded but trees don't have ears. The trees suddenly jumped towards me so I had no space what so ever. I stood up only to find that the trees now had more space to squash me. I was now being crushes by them. I tried to push back but they weren't budging! I heard my back crack but it wasn't broken.. Yet... I needed to get out of these trees before I was nothing but a speck of dust. I was now winded and unable to breath. Then I saw my campfire still burning... "Hoo...Lah...nee..." I exhaled... I big just of wind was born and blew the flames to the trees they quickly fled sinking back into the ground. I looked up and my knees bent forward and I fell to the ground in exhaustion. Luckily, I had no casualties but I was exhausted in a monster filled jungle and at that moment 8 long 4 meter poisonous snakes began to stalk me...

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