Beautiful Sinner: Part Five

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Chapter Five

The end is near...

I ran out of the cave and jumped into my wolf... I was heading for the hospital. Zane was rushing to stop me. "Freya you can't kill him that would make you even worse!" He panted in his heavy black fur, that is another reason I was faster then any other wolf - I had light fur, I barked shaking my head. My legs wouldn't stop and neither was I going to stop. I continued on running eventually out running Zane.

I arrived at the forest surrounding hospital. I shape shifted into my human form once more. I slammed the hospital doors open and ran up to the third floor in which my dad was being kept. I pushed the metal door so hard I dented the shiny metal. "You! Out here NOW!" I screamed. My father sat up and instead of him walking he was in a black wheel chair. "What! Don't address your father like that!" He said rolling his eyes trying not to get angry. My fists became released. My narrow eyes became circular in shock, "Your not a -" I stuttered

"No, I will never be that again because of Zane," Father sighed.

"Who did this to you?" One of the worried nurses asked.

"Zane Alexander Sunlight," Father replied with a devilish smirk. My anger returned and I stood in front of the door stoping the Nurses from leaving to tell the police. I placed my hands in the door frame blocking there way out. My hands were denting the bricks and the fear in the Nurses eyes, I looked in their eyes and saw myself in their eyes.

I gasped with shock to realise I was turning into a monster. I ran away from the door and jumped out of the window and ran away before they could see me. I needed to warn Zane and find Olivia fast. "Do the police know you?" I asked Zane.

"Damn right they do! Stupid Snitches...." He whined.

"Well we need to get going! We need to liberate Olivia!" I said running towards Olivia's house, Zane followed.

I threw a rock at Olivia's window. She approached slowly. "Come on jump down! We need to go the police are after us!" I commanded. Olivia's mouth widened.

"Are you mad?" She said. I put my hands on my hips.

"She can't do that Freya she will break her legs," Zane told me.

"I did, I did it from the third floor in the hostpital!" I argued

"Are you serious?" Zane asked becoming more interested.

"Why would I lie about it?" I yelled getting annoyed about why Olivia couldn't just get down.

"Show me how then!" Olivia said in a disbelieving way.

"Fine!" A scowled. I backed up away from the house and ran as fast as I could and jumped up house into the window turning into human form whilst I did.

"Oh my..." Zane mumbled.

"Hold my hand and we will go down!" I commanded Olivia.

"Can I ride on your back instead?" She smirked. I nodded my head and placed my foot on the windowsill. Olivia's hand was tightening as I leaned more and more. The sun began to set and the light shone on my face. I crouched down like a spring and released into the sky. Olivia's grip slipped. At first I thought she was slipping but she was sat up on my back seeing the world in my eyes. When I jumped everything seemed to slow down, Olivia stuck her hand in the air with a laugh. Once I landed Zane was stunned.

"What?" I asked Zane.

"You looked so beautiful! The sun behind you and Olivia laughing! We should go and see James and see if you have a power of some sort," Olivia's face lit up

Beautiful Sinner : UnpredictableDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora