Beautiful Sinner : Part Nineteen

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Beautiful Sinner : Part Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen

1 Final Battle - Part 1

Zane ran like the wind and tackled a large scaley monster, the rest of the pack followed squashing the monstrous army. Zane's golden horns sank into the monsters heart and instantly killed, Olivia didn't stop running! She just ripped limbs off every enemy she saw, Theodore was kicking any monster out of the way, before swiping his claws threw their chest. I on the other hand were heading straight for the gods, whom were at the other end of the field miles away. Suddenly I heard a pack member cry and I instantly reacted - I ripped the head off the small gorgon. Luckily, the wolf hadn't looked into its eyes.

The ground started to grumble and even though the battle had just started lava was bursting through the ground. Theodore was doing very well dodging all the lasers of lava, he was aiming for the gods. But this haste became his fate....

"Theodore no! You can't!" I begged but he was consumed by hate. He barged past the demons and pounced for the gods, they grinned. There was a flash of thunder and he dropped to the floor... A dagger had pierced his heart... His eyes became pitch black as he took his last breath... "NO!!" I cried, before I could move a monster with huge claws but tiny body clenched onto my leg. I ripped its head off in anger before kicking it onto another. Olivia felt the pain along with the rest of the pack as there hearts grew with fear. I howled to the in encouragement but even I was afraid, I ran to Theodore's dead body in tears. "I'm so sorry," I whispered in guilt, "I shouldn't of brought you...".

Meanwhile, Zane was avenging Theodore. With his gold armor he looked like pure lighting dashing threw evil. I knew it would take me Olivia and Zane to take down just one god. I could hear Zane's voice in mine using our wolf communication.

"We need to take the god out causing the lava," He advised, Olivia joined the conversation as she battled.

"Which one though?" She asked kicking a demon in the chest like a horse.

"Follow me I know which one," I commanded. We all quickly ended our battles with the fearsome monsters, and began to run forming a triangle. As sprinted like the wind, Zane shook his head in rage just as Theodore did.

"Zane calm down, that's how Theo died. Stay calm and wise." I whispered, Zane nodded his head and we were running closer and closer until a huge tower of lava rised from the ground. We all slid to a stop, Zane moved his head signaling us to follow him as we crept around the tower. The lava seemed to stay in a column, never running out and not stopping,

"Listen, the gods now think we're dead, we can creep up on them," Zane explained.

We moved slowly around the tower unspotted, we noticed a god raising its arms and focusing on the lava.

"It's that one!" Olivia cheered quietly. I ran a head to catch there attention, my legs grew tired but I had to fight. As a ran a long trail of small lava squirts followed me, as I looked back Olivia was behind me, I looked a head and Zane was running in front. We ran closer to the lava god and Zane pounced right over its head!

"Zane!" I yelled as me and Olivia quickly retreated.

The tears in the rock over Freya began to sink even deeper and deeper into the rock until the bottom grew damp... A drop fell onto Freya's human nose.


Chapter Twenty

1 Final Battle - Part Two

I felt something wet touch my nose, more and more fell. I could feel a vibration from the floor like feet running. Suddenly the rock above me began to sink near to my chest, I raised my hand and pushed. No use. Tears fell from my face, I punched the dirt... Still nothing... I punched once more, and again... And once more. I looked to my knuckle, bleeding like hell. I made a hole in the dirt behind me with my elbow as my arm pushed back, I released and tried once more. Still nothing!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2013 ⏰

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