Beautiful Sinner: Part Fourteen

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Beautiful Sinner : Part Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

6 Dragon Heads

I was falling down at deathly speeds and my wing was disintegrating away. I turned my head and I had the fright of my life! There was a 6 headed dragon with scales of ash, each head had 4 read eyes and it was even bigger than the badger monster! The dragons body was narrowing and gaining speeds... And I was falling on my back. The dragon had a scorpion tail and huge, thick wings. The scorpion tail took a shot and grazed my arm. It was only a light scratch and the poison wasn't injected into my system, I assumed if it did I would die. I transformed back into human randomly, not good for me! I had to think fast as the monster was aiming his missiles. I turned around so my back was facing the creature, after that I narrowed my body into a pencil like shape and began to pick up speed. The dragon infuriated and I could hear its stomach boil... Fire! It inhaled deeply and before it could fire I pulled up ( I did this by spreading my arms and legs out and lying flat ). I laughed - insulting the dragon. I looked to my arm and quickly brushed the fire out. But when I looked back, I couldn't see the monster...

One giant claw grabbed my waist and shook me about. I looked back and somehow the dragon was behind me! I screamed as loud as I could, aiming to make the dragon drop me. However, every time I exhaled the dragons grip would tighten. So squirming wasn't a option. I was heading straight to the ground, accommodating the beast. I pushed my hands against its huge hand attempting to slip out of its grip. As I did it I heard another metallic clang... My claws were out and ready to attack! I smirked devilishly and raised both of my claws and dropped them into the dragons hand. It dropped me almost instantly and as it dropped me I transformed into a flying squirrel and glided into the forest...

I landed smoothly and quietly, but the dragon didn't stop... All 6 of the heads inhaled deeply and the bubbling of their stomach was like a thunderstorm... Suddenly, a giant fireball was heading for the mountains and a spectacular event took place...

I could see the fire heading for me and I needed to jump off the mountain onto another but it was easier said than done. The wind from the fire ball of death was felt and I needed to jump! I crept up to the edge and I couldn't see the bottom of the mountains as the clouds covered the way. I could hear the fireball approaching and I jumped quickly onto the strong mountain and just in time because as that moment the fireball impacted onto the mountain and completely cutting half of the mountain clean off, I was gliding just ahead and I could feel the dust from the stone hiding in my fur. And oh boy the monster didn't give up! Because of my bright, ginger fur, I was easily spotted and the monster began to hunt again.

The mountain was falling fast and the dragon was catching up. I had the advantage as I was smaller and less likely to be hit. The monster dived into the stone avalanche and looked for me. And my bright orange tail was the give away... It was coming closer and closer... The scorpion tail was reloading with venom... Their mouths were heating up... Suddenly I heard a great loud roar of pain and when I looked back all I saw was a falling pile of stone... But I wasn't out of danger yet! As I approached the next mountain a house sized boulder crashes in to its base causing it to fall with it. So to add up, two mountains were crushed and I was in the centre!

I flapped my arms hoping to fly higher and out of the flying mountain... I did this fine but once I reached the top I saw a god watching over the mountains puzzled about recent events. Luckily for me, it's back was facing me so it didn't notice me. But it's nose hole began to drip blood... It could smell me... I quickly dived down just as the god turned around. I landed on the top of a non-effected. I stumbled down the mountain and returned to human once I reached a ledge to rest on top of.

After a phew minutes breather, I looked back to the destroyed mountains and how the boulders were still falling. "That was a close one!" I panted to myself. I sat down with my legs dangling over the edge. I looked up to the black sky and realised I nearly half way, "Im coming Zane don't worry..." I yelled to the sky, "Is this all you got?" I said, insulting the gods.

I needed a place to sleep beside a ledge. I climbed around the mountain looking for a decent cave to stay in. Eventually I found a place to stay but something was mysterious about it. I walked further in and there was various statues, some were lions, some were the l.f.h.d and some were the badger monsters! The others I didn't recognise. I continued deeper into the deep, dark, dangerous cave. I heard some hissing like snakes. I turned behind me and their stood the 5 stone eyes.... Mutated Medusa....

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