Chapter 2 - Dream

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Dream POV

Immediately I woke and jumped to my feet. Instantly being hit by the blazing sun in this barren desert. My only view for miles and miles was golden sand and a few cacti standing proudly tall in amongst the emptiness of this unforgiving landscape. I instantly recognised that I, myself, my actual body was stood in a Minecraft world. A wave of disbelief ran through my veins as I crouched down to ground level, running my hands through the soft but scorching sand. The weightlessness of the golden grains felt like what I'd always imagined it feeling like - a sort of crunchy but smooth texture. 

My natural instincts kicked in and immediately scanned my surroundings for a tree, even just a lonely tree in the distance but nothing, absolutely nothing. "Great!" I said in an annoyed tone as I was suddenly interrupted by a voice echoing around me. 

"Hello Player Dream! You're the second player to have woken in this world. You have spawned in a desert biome. You are a navigator and it is your responsibility to guide yourself and the rest of the players around. But be careful though for if you take damage here you will face real life consequences, you will feel the same level of pain, deal damage and take longer to heal. Also, be warned that if you die here you will also die in real life!" 

"I guess my speed running abilities can come in useful in aiding my navigating and thinking" you  think to yourself and you begin to walk in a random direction in hopes of finding a tree, water or a new and hopefully helpful biome. Your thoughts are interrupted once again as the monotone, robotic like voice chimes up again...

"Dream, you have a smiley faced mask equipped in your inventory. By putting it on, you gain unique abilities that will help you with your navigation skill. This smiley mask gives you the ability to locate nearby biomes and identify all player's coordinates at any time. The player's coordinates will only become visible once you've met them. You should start off by finding a tree for some wood. Make sure to collect enough materials and food by nightfall!"

"Happy gaming Dream!"

And just like that, the voice is gone. You begin to chuckle "haha I should start off by finding and collecting some wood, great biome choice for that!" you say through sarcastic laughter. You continue to walk with just the clothes on your back in search of anything, something but nothing. "Well I guess there's no better time that to now to try out the abilities that my mask possesses" you say out loud as you activate the inside of it, now searching for the closest biome.

----------TIME SKIP----------

I've been walking for a while now and from judgement the sun looks to be nearing midday. In this distance, is an oasis like body of water in the middle of the desert. As the dehydration begins to set in and the slight delirium emerging, my pace began to quicken and quicken until I was in a full on sprint towards the direction of the water.

I began to smell the freshness of the water as I swiftly approached it, gazing upon the few fish swimming happily amongst small gatherings of sea grass. The lack of cod in this body of water allowed me to acknowledge that this body of water is in fact fresh and safe to drink from. Eagerly my hands dove into the water, cupping a small volume of water and gently bringing it to my parched lips. The overwhelming feeling of rehydration washed over me as I cup more water up to my face and drenched my gasping features with the cool water. Glistening droplets race down my face as others cling onto strands of my hair as it lays peacefully over my eyes.

I decided that it would be a good time to kill a few of the fish, contently swimming in the water, for a source of food if I should need it. With only my bare hands I managed to collect 4 or 5 pieces of raw fish that I carefully stored away in my inventory, but without a furnace or a campfire I would either have to wait to cook it or eat it raw.

After refreshing myself, I continued in the direction of the nearest biome the mask indicated - a Plains biome: 245 blocks east. 

The thought of this world being inhabited by other players as well as myself only crept into my thoughts just now as the plains biome neared into reaching distance. I begin to wonder how far away from them I am, what their skills might be and if they're okay... The thought of meeting these people excited me but also concerned me slightly, I much prefer working on my own and quickly at my own pace.

As I approached it, the fresh smell  from the lush green grass and flowers of the plains biome radiated up through my nose, reminding me of how glad I was to be out of that godforsaken desert biome. I finally was able to collect some wood and essential items as the sun threatened at dropping below the horizon. The smooth gradient of reds, oranges, pinks and yellows as the sun set calmed me as I observed my surroundings for some where to base myself for the night. Until... 

I saw a trail of smoke climbing high into the sky, just the other side of a thin line of oak trees. With my child like inquisitive mind, I was drawn to the trail of smoke like a moth attracted to light. Eager to find the source of this smoke trail...


958 words


Once again, I apologise for the quality of the writing to not be brilliant and the length of this chapter is short. 

I will be introducing the next character in the next chapter, ooooooo!

Love you x

Ellzies out

Is This A Simulation? [DreamTeam x Reader x Technoblade]Where stories live. Discover now