Chapter 8 - Time To Get To Work

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I could hear quiet muffles, presumably from the other guys, as I finally fought off the unconsciousness that took over my body for the past 11 hours. As I gathered my surroundings and came around to where I was laying, I made eye contact with Sapnap, relief replacing fear and concern on his face. "Guys, Y/N's awake!" Sapnap said whilst nudging Dream in his side. All of their faces snapped towards me, collectively all of their expressions changing from panic to relief to see I was still breathing and now awake, well all but Dream - I've never seen Dream's face due to his mask covering the majority of his face. I wondered why he never took his mask off... Does he sleep with it on?

Once returning back from my thoughts, I replied saying "Good morning lads, how are you all?", "Most importantly how are you?" Dream replied with his own question...

"My right leg hurts a little and my body aches but otherwise I feel fine, thanks for asking." I said whilst propping myself up into an upright position. Once sat up, I handed George what I'd collected from the caves yesterday... 17 gold, 64 redstone and 11 lapis lazuli. 

"What's the plan for today Y/N?" Techno questioned. I spent a minute rubbing my forehead before returning my reply "I think it's about time we have a proper home that we can all live in, so we start to gather materials in order to build our house. What materials do you suggest we build our house out of?" 

After a short while of contemplation, George suggested "Well I spawned in a dark oak forest just on the edge of this plains biome, dark oak wood would look really cool. What do you think Sapnap?" I turned to look at Sapnap as his ears almost pricked up at the mention of his name. "Yeah sure, dark oak wood is an excellent building material for our house George." 

"Okay good idea George, how about you go to the dark oak forest with Sapnap and Technoblade to gather wood for our house. We're running a little low on food, Dream would you mind coming with me to kill some animals and get some food supplies?" I strategised our plan... Everybody nodded in agreement "Yeah sure Y/N" Dream said in a surprisingly positive tone.

----------TIME SKIP---------

George POV

As we reached the dark oak forest, I equipped my iron pickaxe and began to chop the trees in unison to the others. We were all working in comfortable silence until Sapnap broke the silence "When you think about it guys, we all knew each other before this except Y/N. What do you two think about Y/N, she's a little bossy but kinda funny" Sapnap giggled. 

"Y/N may be a little bossy but she would make a good leader and she comes up with good ideas" I chimed in. Sapnap and I giggled and joked about as Techno stayed silent still chopping wood. "Techno, what do you think? You seem pretty close to Y/N" Sapnap teased as a small blush rose on Techno's cheeks. From this reaction, I made surprised eye contact with Sapnap as Techno spoke up "She's nice, I don't have too much of an opinion. I care for her I guess". 

Sapnap and I giggled and bounced around "You have feelings for Y/N Techno?". Techno's eyes darted to mine and then to Sapnap's, the blush on his cheeks now extending and taking over his whole face as he picked at the axe he had in his hand "Whatever you guys wanna think..." Techno whispered under his breath.

"Yanno Techno, Dream seems quite close to Y/N too, didn't you hear how excited he sounded when Y/N asked if he'd go with her?" I teased Techno as he turned his back on us, continuing to chop trees. 


Dream and I walked across the plains biome in search of a river for some fish and herds of cows. I always hated killing cows but I had to hold my breath whilst I do it, at the end of the day we need to have food to survive. After a while of searching, we found a small herd of animals off to our left and a meandering river in front of us; so I volunteered to swim in the river whilst Dream killed some of the cows and breed the remaining ones to maintain their herd size. 

I wasn't overly thrilled by the thought of swimming in the river and having to walk back home drenched but it was either that or face the cows, so for me, it was a no brainer. I took off my leather jacket and my belt around my waist, that held my sword. I placed them and my boots by the side of the river as I dove head first into the river. A cold wave of shock raced through the length of my body, sending a shiver up my spine as my body had to rapidly adjust to the new temperature of my surroundings. I noticed a large run of salmon swimming peacefully a little further up the river so I stealthily swam on the surface of the river until I neared the group. I took one final breath before diving under the water and pouncing on the salmon with my sword. 

After a few tries, I swiftly came back up for water gasping violently as I breached the surface, my face feeling the warmth of the air above the cool water. Despite the chill, it was refreshing to wet my hair for the first time since I'd spawned here. Once I'd cleaned my hair I swam to the edge of the river and climbed back out, now putting on my boots as my clothes squelched and clung tightly to my body. I'd caught 14 salmon from the river and placed them into a bag tied to my belt next to my sword as I equipped my belt around my waist. As I looked back up from sorting myself out, I saw Dream walking in my direction so I started walking towards him with my leather jacket in my hand - better to carry it than wear it. 

The breeze of the air chilled my body as my plain white top stuck to my torso and my hair plastered to my back, dripping water down onto my lower back. "Hey Dream, how much meat did you manage to get?" I exclaimed as we met back up. "Hey Y/N, you look a little soggy" Dream joked, "I collected 17 pieces of steak, what about you?"

"Haha very funny Dream" I scoffed as we turned and began to walk.

Dream and I walked back in comfortable silence, shoulder to shoulder. Us both looking forward in the direction that we were walking. His hand occasionally brushing up against my own hand, once, twice, trice... Until I intertwined my fingers with his, his hand engulfed my small, delicate hand. I felt a heat rush up my face, painting a small but noticeable blush across my cheeks. This meant nothing though, surely? I thought. Friends can hold hands right? 

I looked at Dream as we continued walking, seeing a blush on his cheeks that were exposed from seeing his face side on, I could see a little under his mask. "Take a picture Y/N, it'll last longer" Dream giggled as he squeezed my hand. I was brought back from my daydream and back to reality after hearing Dream saying that, I felt a flurry of butterflies dance in my stomach as I choked "I don't know what you're talking about Dream, I wasn't even looking at you", Dream just chuckled and turned his face to look down at my figure. 

----------TIME SKIP----------

Eventually we made it back to the tree that we temporarily called home, still hand in hand with each other, but when I saw Techno, George and Sapnap sat on top of the tree I quickly released my hand from Dream's returning it back to my side. As I took back my hand, I felt Dream hesitate and momentarily kept a hold of my hand, not letting me release it until he saw the other guys sat on top of the tree looking in our direction. 

I felt a wave of sadness flow through me as my hand instantly felt cold, I didn't want that moment to end. I felt safe with Dream holding my hand, knowing he was right next to me. I just hope the guys didn't notice... 


1431 words

Hellooo, hope you're doing okay?

I added a tiny little bit of fluff into this, just for you... There will be more fluff and maybe a little more romance coming soon but not just yet ;)

Love you x

Ellzies out

Is This A Simulation? [DreamTeam x Reader x Technoblade]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora