Chapter 12 - Exploring the Village

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I woke up the next morning with the sun shining through the thin curtains that separated us from the outside world. I was still snuggled under the comforter with Techno's arm wrapped around me, my body still pushed tightly against his chest. 

I was just about to fall back asleep when I heard Techno begin to breathe deeply as his hand shifted slightly before moving away from my chest to turn to lay on his back as he spoke "Morning love, how did you sleep?" He mumbled in his raspy morning voice, I didn't even think that his voice could possibly get even deeper than it always is! 

I turned over to now face him as I cleared my throat before replying "I slept good thank you" 

Techno now turned on his side so he now faced me, "Were you warm enough?" Techno asked with a cheeky grin on his face as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear "I did with you cuddling me" I giggled back as our faces were almost touching distance they were so close...

Techno slowly neared my face with his "I really want to ki-" he began before he was interrupted by George bursting in through the door "Dream is cooking pancakes if you guys want an- ooh sorry" George then stopped himself as he saw an unamused look on Techno's face as I hid my own blush under the covers. "You speak a word and I'll hunt you down George" Techno lightly threatened as George sped back out of our room. 

"We'll carry this on later Y/N" Techno said, his voice soft and low as he got out of bed to get ready for the day...

----------TIME SKIP----------

After breakfast and a little chill time talking with the guys, we made our way back out into the cold to do a little exploring of the village to see if we could buy some resources for back at our home. 

I went off with George in search of a saddle for his horse whilst Techno, Dream and Sapnap went off together to try to bargain for some potions. A short while after looking about we found a villager taking care of some horses in a stable "Good morning sir, you don't happen to have a saddle we could buy off you?" I politely asked the gentleman as George stood behind me staying silent "Morning you two, of course that would be an emerald please" the villager said as George passed one emerald in exchange for the saddle. "Thank you very much" I smiled as we went off wandering round the village again.

"So Y/N, are you gonna tell me what was going on between you and Techno when I walked in this morning?" George giggled as he craned his head to turn to face me as I turned to look back at him with the most obvious blush on my face as I shyly replied "I have no idea what you're talking about Georgie" 

Thankfully I was saved by us walking into and meeting back up with the other 3 guys. We all decided to retreat back to our house for the rest of the afternoon to warm up and share what we found and bought.

----------TIME SKIP----------

We were all collected round the fireplace in the living room showing each other what we got. George and I went first - we bought a saddle for George's horse, 2 diamonds and a golden apple from a chest we found in a blacksmith.

Techno, Dream and Sapnap then showed George and I what they managed to find - Dream was able to bargain with a cleric and was given his brewing stand, which means that once we've been into the Nether, we can start to brew our own potions. Techno and Sapnap also bought 2 instant healing potions and a regeneration potion.

After all the excitement from what we had achieved from our day's adventuring, I decided to cook us all some food to have for dinner. I whipped up my favourite (insert favourite food/meal here) for us all. 

We didn't really talk much, we more just sat in a comfortable silence enjoying the food I made. The sound of rain droplets splattering on the roof of our log cabin created a calm and tranquil atmosphere amongst us, no awkwardness, just 5 friends sat together.

----------TIME SKIP----------

We all sat for a quite a while, just taking in the moment together until it was time to once again retreat to our respective rooms for our final night here in the village before heading back home. "We'll carry this on later Y/N" Techno said to me earlier, I thought as I was about to make my way into our bedroom. A small flurry of butterflies arose in my stomach as he was sat on the edge of our bed, looking out the window at the atrocious weather before closing the curtains shut. 

I was much warmer than last tonight but I still eagerly jumped into bed as I knew I would still cool down fast without the comforter of our bed keeping me warm. After me, Techno also dove into bed snuggling down underneath the comforter with me. We were both facing each other as he smiled gently at me whilst moving some of my hair out of my face "So, can I carry on from earlier?" Techno asked me with a cheeky grin on his face, his voice deep but soft. "Yes of course" I whispered as a blush painted my face...

He tucked another piece of hair behind my ear and then held his hand gently against my jaw as he smiled. His face slowly neared mine as the butterflies screamed in my stomach, until he whispered "Can I?" before I nodded. In what felt like hours of waiting, he finally closed the distance between us as his lips met mine, his hand lifting my jaw ever so slightly to ensure my lips met his. After a short while he pulled away looking me in the eyes "Can I do that again?" he shyly giggled (not like Techno to be this gentle and caring I thought to myself) as I didn't respond, I just pressed my lips to his. 

We both melted into the kiss as his hand slipped down to rest on my waist, pulling me closer to him. Before long he let me snuggle into his side as we both fell asleep together "Goodnight love" he spoke before softly planting a kiss on my forehead...

----------NEXT MORNING----------

I woke up, my head laying on Techno's bare chest, as I yawned and sighed at it already being the next morning. "Good morning love, how did you sleep?" Techno spoke in his low and raspy morning voice, kinda hot... "I slept good because you were here with me" I giggled as he chuckled.

We both came out of our bedroom still half asleep to greet the guys all sat round the fireplace, a big grin plastered on George's face. That grin soon dropped after a few stares received from both myself and Techno.

After an hour of us getting ready and collecting all of our belongings, we exited the log cabin, thanked the iron golem and set on our way headed home...


1211 words

Hellooo, quite a bit of fluff and romance in this. Techno, cute? :)

I'm curious, what is your favourite meal?

Love you x

Ellzies out

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