Chapter 9 - Zombie Invasion

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That evening we were all sat on top of our tree around the campfire slowly getting through all of the food that had to be cooked, which George was mostly in charge of, whilst we all talked and caught up on how our days went. 

Techno was polishing his crown using the material from his red royal looking cape occasionally joining in on our conversation whilst Dream, Sapnap and George joked around like they usually did. I didn't feel like joining in on the play fighting and joking tonight with the guys, I felt at ease just looking out at our surroundings from up on the tree. It was truly beautiful watching the stars twinkle and flutter in the night sky, the trees around waving gently in the breeze and the neighs and huffs from the herd of horses below our tree. 

The commotion and the guy's playing about quietened down until we were all sat in a comfortable silence, the crackles from the fires being the only thing to break the silence. Eventually our silence was fully broken by George saying "So Y/N, I saw Dream holding your ha-" until he was interrupted by a growl from a zombie. But it didn't just sound like one zombie, it sounded like a hoard, like a zombie attack.

We all peered over the edge of the tree to see roughly 30-40 zombies swarming on the ground below us. George and Sapnap began to panic whilst Dream paced the length of the tree back and forward. Technoblade stood over the edge, obviously calculating his next move. 

That was it, we didn't have time to waste standing about, panicking or strategising a plan as the hoard was avidly growing by the minute. I drew my two swords from my back, one in each hand. Whilst everyone clambered around panicking and gathering weaponry and supplies, I stood on the edge of the tree and jumped down into the hoards, yelling a battle cry as I flew down.

----TW: mob death, gore and a little blood---

As I fell down from the tree, I drew my swords up and impaling two zombies as I landed on the ground. I swung my swords around my body slicing waves of zombies as they approached me. I had never properly fought mobs before and was never a brilliant fighter when I used to play Minecraft years ago when I was a kid, but something in my brain clicked and I became this fighting machine. Adrenaline flooded my system as blood lust swam through my veins. I had this newfound strength, stamina and agility. 

As the hoard continued to grow, it still felt like I was getting nowhere despite the dozens I was killing. "Any help would be nice lads" I shrieked to the guys stood on top of the tree just watching me in awe.

Techno POV

We all watched from atop the tree at Y/N on the ground below us. She danced through the zombies, knocking one by one off. We were in awe of her abilities, dodging around, below and above zombies as they attempted to pounce on Y/N. She danced with ease whilst we were all just stood here watching. 

I snapped back into reality and jumped down to help Y/N "You heard the lady, get down here boys" I snapped at the guys still stood on the tree watching Y/N battle the hoards. Suddenly they kicked into gear and followed suit and joined us on the ground in amongst the zombies. 

As I waltzed with the zombies, I glanced over in Y/N's direction and saw a zombie sneaking up behind her - that she hadn't noticed. "Y/N on your back" I shrieked just as the zombie locked its jaws onto Y/N's left shoulder. "Quite literally" Y/N chocked in between her yelps of pain despite her still fighting on better than all of us combined. 

 "Damn I forgot we're playing this on hard mode" Y/N huffed breathlessly as she began to tire. Eventually the hoards shrunk to a mere few left, George, Dream and Sapnap had backed up to catch their breaths and their energy and Y/N still powered on finishing off the last of them. She cried as her sword pierced through the last zombie's chest as its hand tightly seized her waist and stomach with the other. Once it was dead, she pried its lifeless hands off her body and stood over the massacre as the dead zombies began to despawn and dissipate into flakes of sparkle. 


After an hour and a half of working our way through the masses of zombies, we were finally finished and could rest. I looked over at the boys who were all sat on the floor together, catching their breath and celebrating the victory, as I also collapsed to the floor feeling breathless. I joined the group of guys sitting in between George and Technoblade until I felt a prod on my left arm from George "can I see your shoulder Y/N?" He asked despite me completely forgetting about the zombie bite on my shoulder "Err yeah sure George" I said as I took of my leather jacket and unbuttoned my white blouse top I was wearing, exposing my left shoulder and upper chest. I swept my hair to my right side as I rested my head on Techno's shoulder whilst George examined my wound. 

I looked down to see Techno drawing circles with his fingers on my thigh, a small blush flushed my cheeks as I shyly nestled my head, hiding my face in his chest. I felt his heart beat faster as his breathing quickened above me. I flinched slightly as George lightly touched the surrounding area of the bite "I'm gonna have to stitch the wound back up Y/N but then it'll be back to new in a few hours" George explained calmly, trying not to stress me out. 

As the needle went into my skin I yelped out in pain, my hand grabbing the first thing I could find, that being Techno's shirt. I crumpled up Techno's white shirt in my hand as I nestled my head further into his chest "Shh, it'll be okay Y/N" I heard Techno lean down and whisper into my ear as his hand now gripped my thigh. Every time I flinched from the pain, I felt Techno's grip on my leg tighten almost like he shared my pain or even was pained by my pain. Either way, it was cute how adoring he could be... 

Once George had finished stitching up the wound, he applied a cooling and healing ointment and the pain instantly subsided and I felt better. We all made our way back up the tree to rest our legs and eat some food...


1125 words

Hellooo, once again Y/N being the main character of the chapter!

Comment what your name for Y/N is, I'm curious to see what you call her!

More chapters to come soon :)

Love you x

Ellzies out

Is This A Simulation? [DreamTeam x Reader x Technoblade]Where stories live. Discover now