Chapter 4 - GeorgeNotFound

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George's POV

I felt an unusual tingly feeling in my stomach as my eyes focused on my surroundings. Everything was made out of blocks.

"I'm in a Minecraft world!" I shouted as I heard my own voice echo and ricochet off of trees I found myself standing under. I looked up and realised I was being shaded from the sun by towering dark oak trees and enormous mutant like mushrooms. 

A gentle breeze danced through the leaves off the dark oak trees, provoking leaves to fall from the tree that floated down to ground as elegant as feathers swaying through the wind. My mind was brought back to reality when I heard a pig oink to my left. Turning my attention to where the pig was, I realised I had spawned on the edge of a dark oak forest bordering a plains biome. I scouted out my entire surroundings, making a mental note of everything I noticed; such as, wood, food, the sun's whereabouts in the sky. 

Suddenly, I jumped as my stomach flipped from my 'fight or flight' being activated when I heard a voice with no body to show itself...

"Hello player GeorgeNotFound!"

"Welcome to Minecraft, you are the fourth player to have spawned in this world. You are currently being located in a dark oak forest biome on the edge of a plains biome. You are the crafter and it is your job to craft things, that require intricate recipes and items."

"To help you along the way GeorgeNotFound, you have been equipped with a pair of clout goggles that rest upon your head. These possess a special ability to help show you crafting recipes for anything you need to craft. In addition, these goggles when being worn, will show you what materials are required to make a certain item and you can read enchantments on an enchanting table. This skill can not be acquired by any other player to make sure to use it to the best of it's ability!"

"However, watch out as any damage you take here you will face real life consequences such as: you will feel the same level of pain and it will take longer to heal any injuries. The most important thing to be aware of though is, if you die here you will die in real life too!"

"Good luck GeorgeNotFound!"

And like that, the voice disappeared and I was once again on my own. My first instinct through years of playing Minecraft with my friends was to gather some wood in order to make some tools, so that I did. I collected a few dark oak wood logs to make a crafting table and some a wooden pickaxe. With this, I proceeded to break the rest of the dark oak tree I originally began on. Exhausted after this, I decided to take a quick half hour power nap before finding some stone to upgrade my tools.

----------TIME SKIP----------

After upgrading all my tools to stone, I decided to quickly chop another dark oak wood tree in hopes of collecting a few apples. 

4 apples later and a few stacks of 64 logs, I decided it would be a good idea to take advantage of my food sources around me... I quickly broke the spongy like giant mushrooms and collected 12 of each red and brown mushrooms before crafting some bowls and making myself some highly nutritious and delicious mushrooms stews.

I sat back against my crafting table and eat a mushroom stew as I'd lost 3 hunger points on my hunger bar. The sun was high in the sky suggesting it was around midday. I sat looking out towards the plains biome when I noticed a trail of smoke dancing high into the open blue sky. A stream of thoughts whirled through my mind: could it be smoke from a village? An open lava pool igniting nearby trees? Or... a player?

My adrenaline kicked in as I jumped to my feet, tossing the empty wooden bowl to the ground and collecting my crafting table and belongings into my inventory. I set foot in the direction of the smoke, hopeful of what I might find!

----------TIME SKIP----------

I had been walking for what felt like ages, passing animals, trees and the odd flower. The smoke trail still in the distance. I was walking determined until I came upon a small herd of horses, I slowly approached a black and white horse with an apple in my hand. Timidly, the horse walked up to me and ate the apple from my hand, it's tail swinging happily behind it. I fed the horse another apple before trying to mount it in attempts of taming it. 

After 4 or 5 attempts or mounting the horse, I finally saw love hearts swirl up from nowhere - suggesting I'd succeeded in taming the black and white horse. I had no saddle to allow me to ride the horse so I dismounted the horse and held out an apple in my hand. Luckily for me, the horse followed me with eyes glued onto the shiny apple I was holding out for it.

Finally, after what felt like ages I'd been walking through the plains biome still with the horse following avidly behind me. I'd reached the origin of the smoke... a campfire upon the top of an oak tree but there is no person. That is until I felt the cool of a blade resting delicately on the exposed skin on my throat. My vision began to spin as I felt my heart pulsate in my hands, legs, head and throat.

"Ahhh!" I shrieked in utter terror until I heard a feminine voice speak behind me "Who are you and want do you want?" I heard her whisper, venom and death in her voice.


I was sat a top my oak tree eating a piece of cooked steak I'd collected until I saw a figure wearing a striking blue top walk in my direction with a horse following closely behind him. I sneakily jumped down from my tree, hiding my slim figure behind the trunk of the tree. I steathily crept up behind him and placed the blade of my stone sword against his throat as his back pressed against my chest. 

I heard him shriek out pure fear as his heart thumped through his back and screams vibrating against my chest. I had no idea who this person was so I tried to make myself sound intimidating. I whispered to him in a low, deep voice (as deep as my feminine voice would go) "Who are you and what do you want?".

I felt him shiver as he spoke "My n-name is GeorgeNotFound and I randomly spawned in this world. I heard a strange voice say that I was the f-f-fourth player to spawn in this world and my skill is crafting." He shuttered. "I s-saw your trail of smoke in the sky and headed towards it in hope of finding a village for shelter or another player." He was now trembling...

I felt a twinge in my heart and a guilty feeling that I had terrified one of my own team players, as I quickly withdrew my sword from his throat and grabbed his shoulders to spin him to face me. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea you were another player. I spawned first here and presumed the other players to be dangerous to me. My name's Y/N and my skill is fighting. 

I just watched George slump his shoulders, take a breath of relief and smile...


1249 words

Hellooo, so I've introduced Y/N, Dream, Techno and now George...

The next chapter I'll be introducing the fifth and final character to this team of players... any guesses on who it could be??

Love you x

Ellzies out :)

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