Molten vs Steve

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Back at the pizzeria, things were.... well let's just say it was like a war zone.

Tables were overturned to make barriers so that the other animatronics could avoid the all out brawl happening in the main room. Who was fighting you ask?

None other than Molten and Steve!

Steve kept shouting things in a deep and distorted voice while chucking chairs and plates at the unfortunate animatronic (at one point poor El'Chip got thrown). Molten on the other hand continuously dodged the attacks while trying to subdue or tear the limbs off of their opponent.

While Molten may have greater strength but both are matched in speed and durability. Not to mention Steve has got a great throwing arm, so that's a plus.

Lefty ducked down to avoid a stray plate being thrown "I left for five minutes!?" The animatronic was pulled down under a table where Rockstar Foxy, Chica, and most of the mediocre melodies were hiding from the chaos.

"Unless you're tying to lose your other eye, stay down." Foxy said casually. "What is even going on!?" The others looked between themselves and shrugged.

Mr Hippo pointed at Steve as they threw a barrage of basketballs at Molten "Steve went nutso and started attacking the spaghetti, and a few of us got caught in the crossfire."

"Where's Bryan?! Or Helpy?!" Lefty sputtered "Shouldn't they be dealing with this?!!?"

There was a loud crash as Steve was sent sailing over their hiding spot and through the kitchen doors.

"Molten!" Lefty shouted in alarm as the animatronic slumped against the table. "I'm fine, just very annoyed."

The kitchen doors swung open and behold, Steve now had a knife.

And every present animatronic, except Molten, screamed.

And back with Bryan, well he was creeping around his house like it was a 80's slasher movie.

Helpy had probably gone on their way back to the pizzeria by now which left him alone with whoever, or whatever, broke into his house. Strangely he got a weird sense of deja vu like this had happened before.

He pulled out the pistol his other self had given him and switched off the safety.

There was a creak of floorboards around the corner. Bryan jumped from his hiding spot, gun aimed on its target.

He froze.

"Twisted Chica?"

Molten grunted as he threw the rogue animatronic into another wall. No matter how much damage he dealt, Steve just got back up again and frankly it was getting annoying. The main room looked as if a tornado had gone through.

He had no doubt both Springtrap and Bryan would berate him for creating such a mess. Although Springtrap would probably be more annoyed than angry.

Steve chucked another knife, barely missing the other animatronic. Yeah this was getting old.

Molten teleported both him and Steve onto the starlight stage (ah yes, portal timer) and moved to wrap his wires around the others legs. Steve thrashed as their legs were caught and tangled, sending them both to the ground.

Molten tore open the animatronic's backplate, and oh boy did he understand why Steve had panicked.

Why Bryan was constantly watching their back.

Half mechanical, half rotting flesh and bone. A horrid mix similar to Springtrap.

The preserved state of decay inside the suit would place the corpse well over a few months old...

Had he been hiding this animatronic for that long? No, there's no way... there's no way Bryan of all people could hide something like this for that long..


Steve thrashed around, scratching at the stage trying to pull away. The distorted voice remained passive despite its frantic actions. "You are not permitted manual access."

Molten scoffed "I didn't ask." He closed the plates back and slithered off.

Steve pulled themselves to their feet quickly. "So are you going to explain..." he paused "are you going to explain that thing inside you?"

They looked back at him "I am not allowed to disclose that." Molten felt annoyed, this Security Breach mode was a pain.

"I can force you to explain, if you'd prefer that." He snarked.

There was a draining sound and suddenly Steve slumped forward, eyelights dimming. "Security Breach offline, starting system reboot."

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