7. Ussain Bolt's speed

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Philip clutched the books to his chest and slowly backed away, and staggered upon a pile of books that were placed on a small table.

The books fell down with a thud, and the couple flinched away from each other.

Philip looked like a deer caught in the headlights.


His voice cracked.

"Philip wait!"

Philip dropped the books that he picked up on the librarian's desk and bolted out of the library.

He was heartbroken when he found them by the yellow couch. His couch. He couldn't erase their image from his head.

The way Fletcher held Brigette's hand, the way Briggette ran her hands up and down against Fletcher's abdomen.

Just the way they were pressed against each other haunted Philip.

His legs pressed with much force on the floors of the hallway, and his shoulders felt more heavy with his school bag on.

He was crying while he ran.

Crying soundlessly.


But hopefully.

He fished out his phone from his pocket and speed dialed his brother's number once he stepped out of the school's building.

Students were slowly leaving the premises and his covered his eyes slightly, so that people didn't see him crying.

"Where are you?" He asked once his brother picked up his call.

"Phil? Philip, are you okay?"

"No I'm not. Can you please come get me?"

Not even ten minutes later, his brother drove inside the school parking, frantically looking around for Philip.

He got out from the car and sprinted towards the banyan tree under which his brother was seated--sobbing.

"Hey, come, let's get you home." Clyde muttered, helping his sobbing brother stand up.

Philip looked so out of it as he sobbed. Almost as if he couldn't remember why he even started to cry in the first place.

He was not well. Again.

All this was Philip's side of the story, but Fletcher Handerson was too late when he found his weeping boy inside his brother's car.


"You look so dull, Philly." Jade commented, rubbing Philip's hair as he squished his face inside his pillow.

"I'm having a migraine." He mumbled, and closed his eyes, letting his friend work her magic as they both lied on his bed together.

"Hm," Jade hummed, massaging his temples.  "Do you think Fletcher is gay?"

Philip scrunched his nose and mumbled.

"I wish."

"What?" Jade asked.

"I said I want fish." He mumbled sleepily.

Jade continued to massage her friend's head and didn't know that he'd fallen asleep.

"You know Philly, I think I like Fletcher. Again."

Philip's heart sunk to his stomach.


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