17. The dawn of realization

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"You cannot say things like that!" Philip exclaimed and pulled away, but Fletcher's arms were securely around him, preventing him from moving further away.

Fletcher simply stared at him with a small and soft smile on his lips.

Philip was unable to contain his blush and covered his tear filled cheeks.

"Will you let me be there for you?" Fletcher asked again, loosening his arms around Philip.

Philip nodded slowly, still covering his face.

"Okay, I want to ask you something."

Fletcher removed his hands around Philip and placed them behind him, leaning his body backward, thrusting his weight on his hands.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Philip snapped his head up, looking curiously at Fletcher.

He moved back and leaned his back against the tree and pulled his legs up to his chest, feeling vulnerable all of a sudden.

All he could think about was Jade and her crush on Fletcher. He didn't want to get with Fletcher while she liked him too.

"I can't," he said softly. "I'm sorry but I can't be your boyfriend."

Fletcher sighed and stood up, and turned his back to Philip.

"Why?" He asked, bringing a cigarette up to his lips and lighting it up with his lighter.

"Jade. She likes you," Philip mumbled, looking down at the green grass in front of him, fiddling with them.

"But I don't like Jade! I like you!" Fletcher yelled in frustration, whipping around to look at Philip.

Philip flinched.

He'd never seen Fletcher show his anger. He didn't know how to react to it, and he certainly didn't know that he smoked.

"I'm sorry." Philip mumbled.

"You like me. I like you. What the fuck is the problem? Some random girl." Fletcher muttered angrily and turned away from Philip.

"She's my best friend, not a random girl." Philip muttered, resuming eating his chocolate that he dropped on the grass.

Fletcher let a puff of smoke escape his mouth as he dragged his cigarette away.

Philip saw Fletcher as an aesthetic master piece when he smoked. He saw a lonely silhouette.

And he didn't like what he was seeing.

"You should quite smoking."

Philip suggested.

"I know."

"Why haven't you?"

Fletcher didn't answer.

Simply because he didn't have an answer.

"Stop smoking, and I'll go out with you." Philip stated boldly.

Fletcher swiftly dropped the cigarette and stamped on it and popped a mint ball in his mouth.

He turned back and stared at Philip.

"Go out with me."

Philip nodded reluctantly.

He was secretly excited to date Fletcher, but he was not thrilled about the fact that he had to do it behind one of his best friend's back.

"But Jade," he muttered.

Fletcher walked forward and crouched down in front of Philip and grabbed his neck in a gentle hold.

"I like you, not her."

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