20. Traces of happiness

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Philip tried to avoid people as much as he could when he went to school next Monday.

He had a splendid time with Fletcher, and the Instagram post was there for all to see it.

The only person he was afraid to face was Jade, who has been ignoring all of his phone calls.

Carnel only mentioned that she was overreacting once when Philip asked about Jade after Fletcher posted their picture.

Philip hadn't noticed Fletcher walking beside him in the hallway after he saw him, so when Philip looked up, he let out a yelp of surprise making Fletcher laugh shortly.

"Hi, good morning." Philip smiled cutely.

Fletcher resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks and embarrass him so he resorted to kissing his forehead.

Philip's cheeks should've hurt from how much he was smiling.

"Good morning," Fletcher murmured against Philip's forehead and pulled him to one corner of the hallway.

"Can I hug you?" Philip asked expectantly at Fletcher.

The taller boy pulled him in and hugged Philip to himself.

"Next time, don't ask." Fletcher muttered, sighing happily against Philip's head.

Philip didn't mind the public display of affection as much as he thought he would. In fact, he quite liked it.

The couple had spoken about their coming out, and neither of them really cared for something so old like that.

Fletcher didn't care, Philip simply didn't care enough to understand.

Philip sighed in contentment as he rested his head against Fletcher's chest comfortably.

People stared like they always did--wondering how often odd people get together. But that's merely an illusion of common perception because not all of them live the same life.

Philip pulled away and smiled at Fletcher.

"I'm so not ready to go to attend classes."

Philip sighed dramatically.

"I don't even like coming here. Apparently we'd miss the people and this school when we're gone," Fletcher drawled.

Philip scoffed.

"I'd be more than happy to get away from their stares," he whispered, looking around.

Fletcher smiled sadly.

It wasn't surprising when he learned that people did treat Philip quite differently because he cried so much openly.

They thought he was weak because he was sensitive.

They thought he's frightened because he is emotional.

Fletcher learned all of that, and refused to hold it over someone's head.

People can be emotional.

People can be sensitive.

People can cry.

None of that is a sign of weakness.

In fact, Fletcher has high regards for Philip, and is one of the most emotionally strong person he's ever met.

"It's okay."

Fletcher placed his hands on Philip's face and forced him to look at him.

"People can stare. People talk. They can do all those things but in the end they'd only be self projecting, and the whole time it'd be about them not us."

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