16. Medowville on the map

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"You have to stop, your chewing drives me crazy," Carnel groaned and shifted in his seat as he drove.

"Suh uh," Philip mumbled incoherently with a mouth full of gummy bears.

"Dude! SHH!"

Carnel scolded.

Philip rolled his eyes at his best friend and his weird pet peeves.

"Stop clapping your lips! I will strangle you any time now Phil!" Carnel exclaimed.

"God Carbitch you're such a pain!" Philip scolded after he swallowed his snack.

Carnel glared at his best friend.

"Five more minutes and I'll be free," Carnel mumbled to himself, motivating himself.

They were nearing a meadow in a small town called Meadowville, known for meadows across its small town.

"Hah! Yes! We're here!" Carnel yelled in relief, but his smile was replaced with a frown when he saw a dark blue car parked under a tree.

"A meadow?" Philip mused. "Picnic time!"

He excitedly climbed down from the car gathered all the snacks from the backseat in his arms and dropped it on the natural grass in front of him.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing? Put them back inside!" Carnel chuckled, calling out for his best friend from inside the car.

Philip ignored him and continued arranging the snacks on the lawn.

"Hey, Philly, the car's out of gas, wait here while I fill her up okay!"

Carnel yelled.


Carnel reversed his car and left.

Philip was crouching absentmindedly, arranging the snacks in an orderly manner. Once. Twice. Thrice.

His name was called out just as he was about to do it a fourth time.

Philip looked up when a pair of shoes stepped into his line of vision.

Philip stumbled back and fell down on the lawn, his senses consumed with shock.

"Wh-what what are you doing here?" Philip's heart thundered in his chest.

His heart had a way of beating erratically when Fletcher Handerson stood close to him. Now, it was beating erratically with the combination of shock.

"I wanted to see you," Fletcher said, kneeling in front of Philip, picking up the snacks and examining them.

"Huh, Lays," Fletcher hummed and tore open a packet and reached it out to Philip, who looked shocked to do anything.

Fletcher rolled his eyes.

"Calm down, I'm not here to kill you," he mumbled and pulled back his hand, and crossed his legs, sitting comfortably.

"Why did you want to see me?"

Philip seemed to be coming back to his senses.

"I like seeing you."

Philip's face flushed.

"Whatever do you mean?" Philip kneeled and reached out to open another packet of Diary Milk Silk.

"I didn't post anything about you on the forum," Fletcher looked at Philip straight in the eyes.

"I figured as much."

Philip was trying hard not to concentrate on how wrongly Fletcher had tore the packet earlier. It looked like somebody cut off half its face.

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