18. Questions and answers

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Philip looked peaceful as he gazed outside from his helmet.

Soon enough, Fletcher stopped his bike on top of a cliff that overlooked their small town.

Philip took off his helmet and gently climbed down.

"It looks grand, right?" Fletcher smiled wolfishly at  Philip.

Philip didn't reply as he was too engrossed in the scenery, that he couldn't take his eyes off of it.

The cliff looked calm and serene, matching Philip's personality when he felt the best, and the sun was slowly going down, the city lights already emerging from the buildings that looked small from the cliff.

Fletcher was too engrossed in looking at Philip's face that he didn't care about the scenery.

All that lasted until the birds atop a tree cooed loudly.

"Food?" Philip looked questioningly at Fletcher making him release a loud chuckled.

"Are you that hungry?" Fletcher asked.

Philip shook his head.


Fletcher didn't say anything more as he took his boyfriend's hand and guided them to an ice cream parlor situated on the far end of the cliff.

Many people came to this spot, especially young couples.

"Fletcher!" The man behind the counter smiled brightly when he saw his regular customer approaching him. The man looked as old as his ice cream shop, which was quite old.

"Old man Joe," Fletcher grinned.

"Where have you been boy? Haven't seen your around for quite some time," Joe greeted him.

"Just around, here and there." Fletcher shrugged.

Their conversation made Philip wonder.

He knew what this place was famous for, and he wondered whether Fletcher brought others here as well.

He couldn't help but think about Fletcher's dating life, and felt insecure. 

Fletcher had told him that he doesn't swing that way, but Philip still couldn't help the uneasy feeling that settled over him when he thought about Fletcher with others, holding their hand the way he held his.

Calm down Phil, you're overthinking.

Philip spoke to himself in his head, trying to make himself feel as comfortable as possible with his insecure thoughts.

Philip was brought out of his thoughts when a hand held his cheek.

Fletcher was standing right in front of Philip, holding his face tenderly and eyes filled with concern.

"Huh?" Philip looked up.

"Are you okay? You were zoning out. Do you want to leave?" Fletcher spoke, his voice failing miserably in hiding his worry.

"No," Philip shook his head. "No, I'm fine, just thinking. I like it here."

Fletcher felt like he could explode when he saw Philip's small smile.

A gentle curve of the lips that spoke volumes of his comfort and safety. A small gesture of his approval of the surrounding, a minuscule of his thoughts that reassured Fletcher, who seemed to be falling in love with Philip's small quirks.

The taller boy couldn't help but squeeze Philip's cheeks together, making him look like a duck.

"You're so cute." He whispered and chuckled.

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