Mission #1: Introduction to Crush

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Deputy Sheriff Nicole Haught finds herself driving to Shorty's bar nervous as hell. She's lived in Purgatory for the past couple of weeks. Still getting used to it, she only knows a couple of people but hasn't made any friends yet.

On her second shift, she heard the voice of an angel bringing sheriff Randy Nedley his lunch and since then she hasn't been able to keep that voice out of her head.

About a week ago, she asked her boss where he was getting his lunch so she could order in herself, the perfect excuse to have a certain lady bring her meal.
RN: "Oh, I get my food from Shorty's. Usually, Waverly brings it." Waverly. The perfect name for the perfect girl.

Since she heard her name, Nicole hasn't been able to stop thinking about Waverly. She has caught glances of Waverly when she brings lunch for Nedley and Lonnie. She's seen her a few times walking around with Champ Hardy, an awful guy who is lucky enough to be dating Waverly, and with a couple of other townspeople.

She's not a stalker, but everything in Purgatory is routine. She can tell at least by Nedley's meals that Waverly works the lunch shift and at least twice a week she works the night shift. Sometimes, a woman called Gus Gibson brings in the meals and she knows Waverly either has the day off or a different shift. Not stalkerish at all...

Nicole hasn't ordered anything from Shorty's yet because she's been wanting to introduce herself to Waverly without the rush and the perfect opportunity to do it presented itself today. She was out on patrol and saw Waverly's car parked outside Shorty's so time to meet this girl.

NH: "Ok Haught. You can do this. Just say Hello and go from there." She keeps muttering the same words over and over again. She might have seemed like a lunatic just driving back and forth on Main street, but she kept changing her mind.

Minutes later, she arrives at Shorty's bar. Before getting out of the cruiser she points to her reflection in the rearview mirror.
NH: "You can do this. You're a Haught. You always get what you want." She looks at the double doors slightly open. "Hm guess she's in early for her shift."

Nicole hops out of the cruiser and walks towards Shorty's fixing up her shirt leaving the top two buttons undone. She walks in hesitantly and sees barmaid Waverly Earp getting ready to open up the place.

NH: "So beautiful. Let's do this." She leans on the doorframe and grabs a hold of her belt just to have something to keep her grounded and steady. She's about to clear her throat to warn Waverly of her presence, but the sexiest thing imaginable, which should be in a queer movie, happens. Waverly gets splashed by beer from one of the taps that urgently needs fixing. Nicole can't help but chuckle.

WE: "Ahh! Jesus! Perfect." Waverly turns off the old taps as best as she can.
NH: "I didn't know Shorty's had wet t-shirt competitions. You ok?" She receives a gentle smile from Waverly.

WE: "Yeah, uh, just a bit jumpy. Had a crazy night." Waverly grabs a towel and starts drying herself off. Nicole walks toward the counter and puts her Stetson on it.

NH: "Sorry I wasn't here to see it." Nicole thinks, 'Really glad I got to witness this though.' She extends her hand out and waits for Waverly to take it. "I've been, uh. I've been meaning to introduce myself. I'm Nicole, Nicole Haught." She gives Waverly her most charming smile and shakes her hand.

WE: "Hi!"
NH: "And you are Waverly Earp."
WE: "Yes."
NH: "Quite a popular girl around here."
WE: "Oh, you know, it's all in the smile and wave.", she says being modest as she waves her hand a little in the cutest way possible causing an eruption of heart eyes from the deputy.

NH: "That's quite a smile." Waverly looks away blushing at the comment. Nicole, liking the effect she has on Waverly, continued. "Can I get a cappuccino to go?" She knows perfectly well that Shorty's doesn't open yet.
WE: "Oh, I'm really sorry. Um, we're not actually open yet so.."

NH: "Oh! Right! Again, my bad. It's that, uh, when I see something I like I don't wanna wait." Waverly's eyes widen a bit and Nicole points back at the door. "And your door was open so.." Smooth Nicole makes a breakthrough. Waverly realizes that it is open and reminds herself to close it before another person shows up.
WE: "Right." Waverly remembers the sticky mess she's in. "Oh, God I'm sopping wet." They both laugh and Waverly thinks 'Sounds a little wrong, but she didn't mention it. I know Champ would have milked that comment.' Waverly rolls her eyes at the thought. "You know, I keep telling Shorty he needs to fix the darn taps. Sorry, do you mind just, uh, turning around?" She gestures that she will be taking her shirt off.

Nicole turns around to give her space to change.
NH: 'Of course, she's gonna ask you to turn around. You're still a stranger, but next time maybe you won't be.' She smiles at the idea of eventually taking Waverly's clothes, but her thought is interrupted by a ripping sound. Waverly, feeling a little self-conscious, attempts to take her shirt off, but it gets stuck.
WE: "Oh! Crap! Uh, officer, I'm stuck so." Nicole stops herself from running over to the other side of the bar to assist Waverly and walks as casually as she can.
NH: "Oh! Geez, let me help you." Such luck for Nicole, she meets her crush and takes her shirt off on the same day.

Nicole removes Waverly's shirt getting her hair a little messed up, but patting it down gently. "
WE: "Good job you're not some guy, right, or this would be really, really awkward." Feeling more exposed than before, she covers her chest with the cloth she was using. Nicole is lost in her eyes while Waverly is blushing intensely. "Um, I owe you one."
NH: "Alright, well how about you buy me that cup of coffee? How about tonight?". Their first date should be in a much more relaxing environment after what just happened.

WE: "Oh, I can't." She remembers her plans with Wynonna. "I mean, I'd love to, like to, uh, but I have plans." Nicole looks a bit disappointed. "Yeah. I'm a planner. Like to know what I'm doing at least two or three days in advance." Nicole doesn't push it. She just nods, biting her lip, holding in a sigh. Waverly panics looking at the subtle lip bite thinking she would like to be biting that lip herself. She shrugs it off and says "I'm in a relationship...with a boy. Man." she corrects herself.

NH: "A boy-man." Nicole says with a smug look. "Yup. I've been there. It's the worst." Nicole chuckles as she walks past the bar and gets the crumpled-up presentation card that she had in her pocket for the last few days hoping to find the occasion to give it to Waverly. She puts it on the counter and grabs her hat. "Well! Some other time then!" she heads towards the door and looks back at Waverly. "I mean it." She puts on her Stetson and leaves hoping to have left a very good first impression.

Waverly grabs the card from the counter.
WE: "Officer Haught...of course" she looks back at the door hoping that she and Nicole will see each other again soon. While staring at the card Waverly didn't notice that her aunt, Gus Gibson, was waving her hands around in front of her face. "Huh?" Waverly blinks away her thoughts. "I'm sorry, what?"

GG: "I said if you are going to be serving drinks like that we might find ourselves with more customers than ever." Waverly looks down and covers her chest again.
WE: "Oh God. Sorry about that Gus. The darn taps again." She finds her work shirt and puts it on.

GG: "Who is Nicole Haught anyways?"
WE: "The new deputy. She seems cool." Waverly takes a few sips of her glass of water. Her throat feels dry just thinking about that uniform again.
GG: "Well, whoever it is, they sure got your panties in a twist." She chokes on her water causing her aunt to laugh. "Alright. Alright. I won't say anything else. We open in a few minutes. You think you can stop thinking about Officer Haught for a few hours?"

WE: "Yeah sure. I mean, uh, I wasn't.."
GG: "It's okay Waverly. Just don't waste any more beer. We gotta keep the business up and running while you daydream." She glares at Gus who just shrugs and walks away.

When Nicole gets home after her shift, she finds the checklist she made a few days ago of everything she wants to do with and for Waverly. She crosses out 'Introduce yourself' from the list and eyes the second item which is 'Ask her out. 'That might take a bit longer, she thinks. So she scribbles down 'Become her friend'. Feeling satisfied with today's accomplishment, she takes a shower, gets dressed, and goes to sleep hoping to dream of Waverly Earp.

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